The Govindam Prayers

isvarah paramah krsnah / sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah
anadir adir govindah / sarva-karana-karanam
Lord Brahma
Krishna who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body.
He is the origin of all. He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes.

from Sri Brahma-samhita


cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksa-
laksavrtesu surabhir abhipalayantam
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


cintamani--touchstone; prakara--groups made of; sadmasu--in abodes; kalpa-vrksa--of desire trees; laksa--by millions; avrtesu--surrounded; surabhih--surabhi cows; abhipalayantam--tending; laksmi--of goddesses of fortune; sahasra--of thousands; sata--by hundreds; sambhrama--with great respect; sevyamanam--being served; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the first progenitor who is tending the cows, yielding all desire, in abodes built with spiritual gems, surrounded by millions of purpose trees, always served with great reverence and affection by hundreds of thousands of laksmis or gopis.


venum kvanantam aravinda-dalayataksam-
barhavatamsam asitambuda-sundarangam
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


venum--the flute; kvanantam--playing; aravinda-dala--(like) lotus petals; ayata--blooming; aksam--whose eyes; barha--a peacock's feather; avatamsam--whose ornament on the head; asita-ambuda--(tinged with the hue of) blue clouds; sundara--beautiful; angam--whose figure; kandarpa--of Cupids; koti--millions; kamaniya--charming; visesa--unique; sobham--whose loveliness; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is adept in playing on His flute, with blooming eyes like lotus petals with head decked with peacock's feather, with the figure of beauty tinged with the hue of blue clouds, and His unique loveliness charming millions of Cupids.


ratnangadam pranaya-keli-kala-vilasam
syamam tri-bhanga-lalitam niyata-prakasam
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


alola--swinging; candraka--with a moon-locket; lasat--beautified; vana-malya--a garland of flowers; vamsi--flute; ratna-angadam--adorned with jeweled ornaments; pranaya--of love; keli-kala--in pastimes; vilasam--who always revels; syamam--Syamasundara; tri-bhanga--bending in three places; lalitam--graceful; niyata--eternally; prakasam--manifest; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, round whose neck is swinging a garland of flowers beautified with the moon-locket, whose two hands are adorned with the flute and jeweled ornaments, who always revels in pastimes of love, whose graceful threefold-bending form of Syamasundara is eternally manifest.


angani yasya sakalendriya-vrtti-manti
pasyanti panti kalayanti ciram jaganti
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


angani--the limbs; yasya--of whom; sakala-indriya--of all the organs; vrtti-manti--possessing the functions; pasyanti--see; panti--maintain; kalayanti--manifest; ciram--eternally,; jaganti--the universes; ananda--bliss; cit--truth; maya--full of; sat--substantiality; ujjvala--full of dazzling splendor; vigrahasya--whose form; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, whose transcendental form is full of bliss, truth, substantiality and is thus full of the most dazzling splendor. Each of the limbs of that transcendental figure possesses in Himself, the full-fledged functions of all the organs, and eternally sees, maintains and manifests the infinite universes, both spiritual and mundane.


advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam
adyam purana-purusam nava-yauvanam ca
vedesu durlabham adurlabham atma-bhaktau
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


advaitam--without a second; acyutam--without decay; anadim--without a beginning; ananta-rupam--whose form is endless, or who possesses unlimited forms; adyam--the beginning; purana-purusam--the most ancient person; nava-yauvanam--a blooming youth; ca--also; vedesu--through the Vedas; durlabham--inaccessible; adurlabham--not difficult to obtain; atma-bhaktau--through pure devotion of the soul; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is inaccessible to the Vedas, but obtainable by pure unalloyed devotion of the soul, who is without a second, who is not subject to decay, is without a beginning, whose form is endless, who is the beginning, and the eternal purusa; yet He is a person possessing the beauty of blooming youth.


panthas tu koti-sata-vatsara-sampragamyo
vayor athapi manaso muni-pungavanam
so 'py asti yat-prapada-simny avicintya-tattve
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


panthah--the path; tu--but; koti-sata--thousands of millions; vatsara--of years; sampragamyah--extending over; vayoh--of wind; atha api--or; manasah--of the mind; muni-pungavanam--of the foremost jnanis; sah--that (path); api--only; asti--is; yat--of whom; prapada--of the toe; simni--to the tip; avicintya-tattve--beyond material conception; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, only the tip of the toe of whose lotus feet is approached by the yogis who aspire alter the transcendental and betake themselves to pranayama by drilling the respiration; or by the jnanis who try to find out the nondifferentiated Brahman by the process of elimination of the mundane, extending over thousands of millions of years.


eko 'py asau racayitum jagad-anda-kotim
yac-chaktir asti jagad-anda-caya yad-antah
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


ekah--one; api--although; asau--He; racayitum--to create; jagat-anda--of universes; kotim--millions; yat--whose; saktih--potency; asti--there is; jagat-anda-cayah--all the universes; yat-antah--within whom; anda-antara-stha--which are scattered throughout the universe; parama-anu-caya--the atoms; antara-stham--situated within; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


He is an undifferentiated entity as there is no distinction between potency and the possessor thereof. In His work ot creation of millions of worlds, His potency remains inseparable. All the universes exist in Him and He is present in His fullness in every one of the atoms that are scattered throughout the universe, at one and the same time. Such is the primeval Lord whom I adore.


yad-bhava-bhavita-dhiyo manujas tathaiva
samprapya rupa-mahimasana-yana-bhusah
suktair yam eva nigama-prathitaih stuvanti
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


yat--for whom; bhava--with devotion; bhavita--are imbued; dhiyah--whose hearts; manujah--men; tatha eva--similarly; samprapya--having gained; rupa--beauty; mahima--greatness; asana--thrones; yana--conveyances; bhusah--and ornaments; suktaih--by Vedic hymns; yam--whom; eva--certainly; nigama--by the Vedas; prathitaih--told; stuvanti--offer praise; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I adore the same Govinda, the primeval Lord, in whose praise men, who are imbued with devotion, sing the mantra-suktas told by the Vedas, by gaining their appropriate beauty, greatness, thrones, conveyances and ornaments.


tabhir ya eva nija-rupataya kalabhih
goloka eva nivasaty akhilatma-bhuto
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


ananda--bliss; cit--and knowledge; maya--consisting of; rasa--mellows; prati--every second; bhavitabhih--who are engrossed with; tabhih--with those; yah--who; eva--certainly; nija-rupataya--with His own form; kalabhih--who are parts of portions of His pleasure potency; goloke--in Goloka Vrndavana; eva--certainly; nivasati--resides; akhila-atma--as the soul of all; bhutah--who exists; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original personality; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, residing in His own realm, Goloka, with Radha, resembling His own spiritual figure, the embodiment of the ecstatic potency possessed of the sixty-four artistic activities, in the company of Her confidantes [sakhis], embodiments of the extensions of Her bodily form, permeated and vitalized by His ever-blissful spiritual rasa.


santah sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti
yam syamasundaram acintya-guna-svarupam
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


prema--of love; anjana--with the salve; churita--tinged; bhakti--of devotion; vilocanena--with the eye; santah--the pure devotees; sada--always; eva--indeed; hrdayesu--in their hearts; vilokayanti--see; yam--whom; syama--dark blue; sundaram--beautiful; acintya--inconceivable; guna--with attributes; svarupam--whose nature is endowed; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is Syamasundara, Krsna Himself with inconceivable innumerable attributes, whom the pure devotees see in their heart of hearts with the eye of devotion tinged with the salve of love.


ramadi-murtisu kala-niyamena tisthan
nanavataram akarod bhuvanesu kintu
krsnah svayam samabhavat paramah puman yo
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


rama-adi--the incarnation of Lord Rama, etc.; murtisu--in different forms; kala-niyamena--by the order of plenary portions; tisthan--existing; nana--various; avataram--incarnations; akarot--executed; bhuvanesu--within the worlds; kintu--but; krsnah--Lord Krsna; svayam--personally; samabhavat--appeared; paramah--the supreme; puman--person; yah--who; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who manifested Himself personally as Krsna and the different avataras in the world in the forms of Rama, Nrsimha, Vamana, etc., as His subjective portions.


yasya prabha prabhavato jagad-anda-koti-
kotisv asesa-vasudhadi vibhuti-bhinnam
tad brahma niskalam anantam asesa-bhutam
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


yasya--of whom; prabha--the effulgence; prabhavatah--of one who excels in power; jagat-anda--of universes; koti-kotisu--in millions and millions; asesa--unlimited; vasudha-adi--with planets and other manifestations; vibhuti--with opulences; bhinnam--becoming variegated; tat--that; brahma--Brahman; niskalam--without parts; anantam--unlimited; asesa-bhutam--being complete; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, whose effulgence is the source of the nondifferentiated Brahman mentioned in the Upanisads, being differentiated from the infinity of glories of the mundane universe appears as the indivisible, infinite, limitless, truth.



maya hi yasya jagad-anda-satani sute
sattvavalambi-para-sattvam visuddha-sattvam-
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


maya--the external potency; hi--indeed; yasya--of whom; jagat-anda--of universes; satani--hundreds; sute--brings forth; trai-gunya--embodying the threefold mundane qualities; tat--of that; visaya--the subject matter; veda--the Vedic knowledge; vitayamana--diffusing; sattva-avalambi--the support of all existence; para-sattvam--the ultimate entity; visuddha-sattvam--the absolute substantive principle; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is the absolute substantive principle being the ultimate entity in the form of the support of all existence whose external potency embodies the threefold mundane qualities, viz., sattva, rajas, and tamas and diffuses the Vedic knowledge regarding the mundane world.


ananda-cinmaya-rasatmataya manahsu
yah praninam pratiphalan smaratam upetya
lilayitena bhuvanani jayaty ajasram-
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


ananda--blissful; cit-maya--cognitive; rasa--of rasa; atmataya--due to being the entity; manahsu--in the minds; yah--He who; praninam--of living entities; pratiphalan--being reflected; smaratam upetya--recollecting; lilayitena--by pastimes; bhuvanani--the mundane world; jayati--triumphantly dominates; ajasram--ever; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, whose glory ever triumphantly dominates the mundane world by the activity of His own pastimes, being reflected in the mind of recollecting souls as the transcendental entity of ever-blissful cognitive rasa.


goloka-namni nija-dhamni tale ca tasya
devi mahesa-hari-dhamasu tesu tesu
te te prabhava-nicaya vihitas ca yena
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


goloka-namni--in the planet known as Goloka Vrndavana; nija-dhamni--the personal abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; tale--in the part underneath; ca--also; tasya--of that; devi--of the goddess Durga; mahesa--of Lord Siva; hari--of Narayana; dhamasu--in the planets; tesu tesu--in each of them; te te--those respective; prabhava-nicayah--opulences; vihitah--established; ca--also; yena--by whom; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


Lowest of all is located Devi-dhama [mundane world], next above it is Mahesa-dama [abode of Mahesa]; above Mahesa-dhama is placed Hari-dhama [abode of Hari] and above them all is located Krsna's own realm named Goloka. I adore the primeval Lord Govinda, who has allotted their respective authorities to the rulers of those graded realms.


srsti-sthiti-pralaya-sadhana-saktir eka
chayeva yasya bhuvanani bibharti durga
icchanurupam api yasya ca cestate sa
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


srsti--creation; sthiti--preservation; pralaya--and destruction; sadhana--the agency; saktih--potency; eka--one; chaya--the shadow; iva--like; yasya--of whom; bhuvanani--the mundane world; bibharti--maintains; durga--Durga; iccha--the will; anurupam--in accordance with; api--certainly; yasya--of whom; ca--and; cestate--conducts herself; sa--she; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


The external potency Maya who is of the nature of the shadow of the cit potency, is worshiped by all people as Durga, the creating, preserving and destroying agency of this mundane world. I adore the primeval Lord Govinda in accordance with whose will Durga conducts herself.


ksiram yatha dadhi vikara-visesa-yogat
sanjayate na hi tatah prthag asti hetoh
yah sambhutam api tatha samupaiti karyad
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


ksiram--milk; yatha--as; dadhi--yogurt; vikara-visesa--of a special transformation; yogat--by the application; sanjayate--is transformed into; na--not; hi--indeed; tatah--from the milk; prthak--separated; asti--is; hetoh--which is the cause; yah--who; sambhutam--the nature of Lord Siva; api--also; tatha--thus; samupaiti--accepts; karyat--for the matter of some particular business; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


Just as milk is transformed into curd by the action of acids, but yet the effect curd is neither same as, nor different from, its cause, viz., milk, so I adore the primeval Lord Govinda of whom the state of Sambhu is a transformation for the performance of the work of destruction.


diparcir eva hi dasantaram abhyupetya
dipayate vivrta-hetu-samana-dharma
yas tadrg eva hi ca visnutaya vibhati
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


dipa-arcih--the flame of a lamp; eva--as; hi--certainly; dasa-antaram--another lamp; abhyupetya--expanding; dipayate--illuminates; vivrta-hetu--with its expanded cause; samana-dharma--equally powerful; yah--who; tadrk--similarly; eva--indeed; hi--certainly; ca--also; visnutaya--by His expansion as Lord Visnu; vibhati--illuminates; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


The light of one candle being communicated to other candles, although it burns separately in them, is the same in its quality. I adore the primeval Lord Govinda who exhibits Himself equally in the same mobile manner in His various manifestations.


yah karanarnava-jale bhajati sma yoga-
nidram ananta-jagad-anda-sa-roma-kupah
adhara-saktim avalambya param sva-murtim
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


yah--He who; karana-arnava--of the Causal Ocean; jale--in the water; bhajati--enjoys; sma--indeed; yoga-nidram--creative sleep; ananta--unlimited; jagat-anda--universes; sa--with; roma-kupah--the pores of His hair; adhara-saktim--the all-accommodating potency; avalambya--assuming; param--great; sva-murtim--own subjective form; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I adore the primeval Lord Govinda who assuming His own great subjective form, who bears the name of Sesa, replete with the all-accommodating potency, and reposing in the Causal Ocean with the infinity of the world in the pores of His hair, enjoys creative sleep [yoga-nidra].


yasyaika-nisvasita-kalam athavalambya
jivanti loma-vilaja jagad-anda-nathah
visnur mahan sa iha yasya kala-viseso
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


yasya--whose; eka--one; nisvasita--of breath; kalam--time; atha--thus; avalambya--taking shelter of; jivanti--live; loma-vila-jah--grown from the hair holes; jagat-anda-nathah--the masters of the universes (the Brahmas); visnuh mahan--the Supreme Lord Maha-Visnu; sah--that; iha--here; yasya--whose; kala-visesah--particular plenary portion or expansion; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


Brahma and other lords of the mundane worlds, appearing from the pores of hair of Maha-Visnu, remain alive as long as the duration of one exhalation of the latter [Maha-Visnu]. I adore the primeval Lord Govinda of whose subjective personality Maha-Visnu is the portion of portion.


bhasvan yathasma-sakalesu nijesu tejah
sviyam kiyat prakatayaty api tadvad atra
brahma ya esa jagad-anda-vidhana-karta
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


bhasvan--the illuminating sun; yatha--as; asma-sakalesu--in various types of precious stones; nijesu--his own; tejah--brilliance; sviyam--his own; kiyat--to some extent; prakatayati--manifests; api--also; tadvat--similarly; atra--here; brahma--Lord Brahma; yah--who; esah--he; jagat-anda-vidhana-karta--the chief of the universe; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I adore the primeval Lord Govinda from whom the separated subjective portion Brahma receives his power for the regulation of the mundane world, just as the sun manifests some portion of his own light in all the effulgent gems that bear the names of suryakanta, etc.



yat-pada-pallava-yugam vinidhaya kumbha-
dvandve pranama-samaye sa ganadhirajah
vighnan vihantum alam asya jagat-trayasya
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


yat--whose; pada-pallava--lotus feet; yugam--two; vinidhaya--having held; kumbha-dvandve--upon the pair of tumuli; pranama-samaye--at the time of offering obeisances; sah--he; gana-adhirajah--Ganesa; vighnan--obstacles; vihantum--to destroy; alam--capable; asya--of these; jagat-trayasya--three worlds; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I adore the primeval Lord Govinda, whose lotus feet are always held by Ganesa upon the pair of tumuli protruding from his elephant head in order to obtain power for his function of destroying all the obstacles on the path of progress of the three worlds.


agnir mahi gaganam ambu marud disas ca
kalas tathatma-manasiti jagat-trayani
yasmad bhavanti vibhavanti visanti yam ca
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


agnih--fire; mahi--earth; gaganam--ether; ambu--water; marut--air; disah--directions; ca--also; kalah--time; tatha--as well as; atma--soul; manasi--and mind; iti--thus; jagat-trayani--the three worlds; yasmat--from whom; bhavanti--they originate; vibhavanti--they exist; visanti--they enter; yam--whom; ca--also; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


The three worlds are composed of the nine elements, viz., fire, earth, ether, water, air, direction, time, soul and mind. I adore the primeval Lord Govinda from whom they originate, in whom they exist and into whom they enter at the time of the universal cataclysm.


yac-caksur esa savita sakala-grahanam
raja samasta-sura-murtir asesa-tejah
yasyajnaya bhramati sambhrta-kala-cakro
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


yat--of whom; caksuh--the eye; esah--the; savita--sun; sakala-grahanam--of all the planets; raja--the king; samasta-sura--of all the demigods; murtih--the image; asesa-tejah--full of infinite effulgence; yasya--of whom; ajnaya--by the order; bhramati--performs his journey; sambhrta--complete; kala-cakrah--the wheel of time; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


The sun who is the king of all the planets, full of infinite effulgence, the image of the good soul, is as the eye of this world. I adore the primeval Lord Govinda in pursuance of whose order the sun performs his journey mounting the wheel of time.


dharmo 'tha papa-nicayah srutayas tapamsi
brahmadi-kita-patagavadhayas ca jivah
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


dharmah--virtue; atha--also; papa-nicayah--all vices; srutayah--the Vedas; tapamsi--penances; brahma-adi--beginning from Lord Brahma; kita-pataga--insects; avadhayah--down to; ca--and; jivah--jivas; yat--by whom; datta--conferred; matra--exclusively; vibhava--by the power; prakata--manifested; prabhavah--potencies; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I adore the primeval Lord Govinda, by whose conferred power are maintained the manifested potencies, that are found to exist, of all virtues, all vices, the Vedas, the penances and all jivas, from Brahma to the meanest insect.


yas tv indragopam athavendram aho sva-karma-
bandhanurupa-phala-bhajanam atanoti
karmani nirdahati kintu ca bhakti-bhajam
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


yah--He who (Govinda); tu--but; indra-gopam--to the small red insect called indragopa; atha va--or even; indram--to Indra, king of heaven; aho--oh; sva-karma--of one's own fruitive activities; bandha--bondage; anurupa--according to; phala--of reactions; bhajanam--enjoying or suffering; atanoti--bestows; karmani--all fruitive activities and their reactions; nirdahati--destroys; kintu--but; ca--also; bhakti-bhajam--of persons engaged in devotional service; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam--Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I adore the primeval Lord Govinda, who burns up to their roots all fruitive activities of those who are imbued with devotion and impartially ordains for each the due enjoyment of the fruits of one's activities, of all those who walk in the path of work, in accordance with the chain of their previously performed works, no less in the case of the tiny insect that bears the name of indragopa than in that of Indra, king of the devas.


yam krodha-kama-sahaja-pranayadi-bhiti-
sancintya tasya sadrsim tanum apur ete
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


yam--upon whom; krodha--wrath; kama--amorous passion; sahaja-pranaya--natural friendly love; adi--and so on; bhiti--fear; vatsalya--parental affection; moha--delusion; guru-gaurava--reverence; sevya-bhavaih--and with the attitude of willing service; sancintya--meditating; tasya--of that; sadrsim--befitting; tanum--bodily form; apuh--attained; ete--these persons; govindam--Govinda; adi-purusam--the original person; tam-- Him; aham--I; bhajami--worship.


I adore the primeval Lord Govinda, the meditators of whom, by meditating upon Him under the sway of wrath, amorous passion, natural friendly love, fear, parental affection, delusion, reverence and willing service, attain to bodily forms befitting the nature of their contemplation.


Siddhanta Sarasvati
Shree Gaudiya Math,
Calcutta, the 1st August, 1932.

This booklet is only the fifth chapter of the Hymns of Brahma which were recorded in a hundred chapters. The Supreme Lord Sri Caitanya picked up this chapter from the temple of Adi-kesava at Tiruvattar, a village lying under the government of Travancore, for the assurance of all God-loving, and especially Krsna-loving, people in this conditioned jurisdiction. This booklet can easily be compared with another book which passes by the name of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Though it has got a reference in the pantheon of Puranas, the Bhagavatam corroborates the same idea of this Pancaratra.

The devotees should consider that these two books tend to the identical Krsna who is the fountainhead of all transcendental and mundane entities and has a manifestive exhibition of the plenary variegatedness.

Aspersions of calumniation are restricted in the limited world, whereas transcendence cannot admit such angularities being an angle of 180 degrees or void of any angular discrepancies.

The publisher is carried away to the realm of gratitude when his stores of publication are scrutinized. Thakura Bhaktivinoda has given an elucidatory purport of the conception of the most sublime fountainhead of all entities in Bengali, and one of his devout followers has rendered that into English for propagatory purpose. The purports and the translations are traced to the backgrounds of the writings of Srila Jiva Gosvami, a contemporary follower of the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya.

The emotional aspirations will find fair play in perusing the texts of this brochure by one and all who have any interest in pure theistic achievements. The materialistic inspection often goes on to say that the provincial conception of theism has made the depicting of transcendental unity into diverse face quite opposed to the ethical consideration of the limited region. But we differ from such erroneous considerations when we get a prospective view of the manifested transcendentality eliminating all historicities and allegorical enterprises. All our enjoying mood should have a different direction when we take into account the transcendental entity who has obsessed all frailties and limitations of nature. So we solicit the happier mood of the scrutinizers to pay special attention to the importance of manifestive transcendence in Krsna.

It was found necessary to publish this small book for the use of English-knowing people who are interested in the acme of transcendental truths in their manifestive phases. The theme delineated in the texts of this book is quite different from the ordinary heaps of poetical mundane literature, as they are confined to our limited aspiration of senses. The book was found in the South some four centuries ago and it is again brought into light in the very same country after a long time, just like the worshiping of the Goddess Ganges by the offering of her own water.

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