Śri Rūpa-cintāmaṇi
''The Cintāmaṇi
Jewel of Beauty''
Srila Vishvanath
Cakravarti Thakura
Lotus Footprints of
Lord Sri Krishna
Lotus Footprints of
Srimati Radharani
Text 1
candrardhaṁ kalasaṁ
tri-koṇa-dhanuṣī khaṁ goṣpadaṁ
śaṅkhaṁ savya-pade 'tha dakṣiṇa-pade
koṇaṣṭakaṁ svastikam
cakraṁ chatra-yavaṅkuśaṁ dhvaja-pavi jamburdhva-rekhambujaṁ
bibhraṇaṁ harim unaviṁśati-maha-lakṣmy-arcitaṅghriṁ
candrardham - half-moon;
kalasam - waterpot; tri-koṇa-dhanuṣī - bow; kham - ether;
goṣpadam - cows hoofprint; proṣṭhikam - fish; śaṅkham
- conchshell; savya-pade - on the left foot; atha - then; dakṣiṇa-pade
- on the right foot; koṇaṣṭakam - an eight - pointed
star; svastikam - a svastika; cakram - a wheel; chatra - a parasol; yava
- a barleycorn; aṅkuśam - an elephant - goad; dhvaja - flag;
pavi - a thunderbolt; jambu - jambu fruit; urdhva-rekha - urdhva - rekhā;
ambujam - lotus; bibhraṇam - holding; harim - Lord Hari; unaviṁśati
- 19; maha - great; lakṣmi -opulence; arcita - endowed; aṅghrim
- feet; bhaje - I worship.
I worship Lord Hari,
whose feet are endowed with the 19 great opulences of, on the left foot,
the halfmoon, water-pot, triangle, bow, sky, cow's hoofprint, fish, conch,
and on the right foot, the eight-pointed star, svastika, wheel, parasol,
barleycorn, elephant-goad, flag, thunderbolt, jambu fruit, ūrdhva-rekhā,
and lotus.
candrardham - half-moon
02. kalasam - waterpot
03. tri-koṇa - triangle
04. dhanuṣī - bow
05. kham - ether
06. goṣpadaṁ - cows hoof-print
07. proṣṭhikaṁ - fish
08. śaṅkhaṁ - conch-shell
09. koṇaṣṭakam - eight-pointed star
10. svastikam - a svastika
11. cakram - a wheel
12. chatra - a parasol
13. yava - a barleycorn
14. ankusham - an elephant-goad
15. dhvaja - flag
16, pavi - a thunderbolt
17. jambu - jambu fruit
18. urdhva-rekha - upward line
19 ambujam - lotus
The Lotus Footprints of Lord Sri Krishna with symbols
Text 2
ardhenduṁ ca yavaṁ ca vamam anu ya
śaktiṁ gadaṁ syandanam
vedi-kuṇḍala-matsya-parvata-daraṁ datte 'nv asavyaṁ
taṁ radhaṁ ciram unaviṁśati-maha-lakṣmy-arcitaṅghriṁ
- parasol; ari - ari; dhvaja - flag; valli - vine; puṣpa - flowers;
valayan -bracelets;padma - lotus; urdhva-rekha - ūrdhva - rekhā;
aṅkuśan - elephant - goad; ardhendum - half - moon; ca - and;
yavam - barleycorn; ca - and; vamam - left; anu - following; ya - which;
śaktim - potency; gadam;club; syandanam - flowing; vedialtar; kuṇḍala
- earrings; matsya - fish; parvata -mountain; daram - conchshell; datte
- places; anu - following; asavyam - right; padam - foot; tam -Her;radham
- Rādhā; ciram - eternally; unaviṁśati - 19;maha
- great;lakṣmi - opulence; arcita - endowed; aṅghrim - feet;
bhaje - I worship.
I worship Śri
Rādhā, whose feet are endowed with the 19 great opulences of,
on the left foot, the parasol, ari, flag, vine, flower, bracelet, lotus,ūrdhva-rekhā,
elephant-goad, halfmoon, and barleycorn, and on the right foot, the śakti,
club, chariot, altar, earrings, fish, mountain, and conchshell.
cchatra - Umbrella
02. ari - Disc
03. dhvaja - Flag
04. valli - Flowery Twig
05. puṣpa - Flower
06. valayan - Jewelled Bangle
07. padma - Lotus
08. urdhva-rekha - Upward line
09. ankusham - Elephant Goad
10.ardhendu - Half Moon
11. yavaṁ - Barleycorn
12. śaktiṁ - Spear
13. gadaṁ - Club
14. syandanam - Chariot
15. vedi - Sacrificial Altar
16. kuṇḍala - Earrings
17. matsya - Fish
18. parvata - Mountain
19. daraṁ - Conch
The Lotus Footprints of Srimati Radharani with symbols
Texts 3 and 4
vane kuñja-puñjavṛta-svarṇa-bhumau
sphurat-tuṅga-kalpa-dru-mule su-gandhau
sthitali-śritau yau kiśorau vibhataḥ
tayor adimasyambudabhasya nityaṁ
smara tvaṁ mano mañjulaṁ manda-hasyam
- the Yamunā; veṣṭite - surrounded;mañju - charming;
vṛndavane - in Vṛndāvana; kuñja - forest groves;
puñja - many;avṛta - filled; svarṇa - golden;bhumau
- on the ground; maṇi - jeweled; kuṭṭima - pavement;
antar - within; maha-yoga-pīṭhe - spiritual abode; sphurat
- manifested; tuṅga - tall; kalpa-dru - kalpa - druma trees; mule
- at the base; su-gandhau - fragrant;
ati - very; bhraji - splendid; ratnaa - jewel; aravinda - lotus; chadali
- petals; sthita - situated; ali-śritau - sheltered; yau - which;
kiśorau - the youthful couple; vibhataḥ - splendidly manifested;
tayoḥ - of Them; adimasya - lightning; ambudabhasya - splendid as
a monsoon cloud; nityam - eternally; smara - remember; tvam - you; manaḥ
- O mind; mañjulam - charming; manda - gentle; hasyam - smile.
Decorated with splendid
jewel lotus petals, the youthful and fragrant divine couple are splendid
as a monsoon cloud and lightning as They stand on a jeweled golden pavement
under a tall kalpa-druma tree by the Yamunā in Vṛndāvana
Forest. O mind, please always remember Their charming, gentle smile.
Texts 5-10
suvakralakaṁ citrakarcir lalaṭam
bhruvau locane nasikaṁ svaccha-gaṇḍau
śruti-dvandvam udyan-maṇi-kuṇḍalaḍhyam
suśoṇadharau vaṁśikam
tri-rekhañci-kaṇṭham mṛdu-skandha-yugmam
bhujav ayatau saṅgadau bhuṣaṇaḍhyau
karav aṅgulīḥ sormika-lakṣma-rekhaḥ
śriyaṁ dharma-rekhaṁ stanordhve
lasat-tunda-romavalīr nabhi-padmaṁ
kṛśaṁ madhyamaṁ kiṅkiṇīṁ
su-pīnor uru-janu-jaṅghanta-gumpha-
dvayadho raṇan-nupurau pada-padmam
manojñaṅgulīḥ śveta-śoṇan nakhaṁs
talaruṇyam aparśni-bibhraṇamanam
tanuṁ tarjanī-sandhi-bhag urdhva-rekham
padardhavadhiṁ kuñcitaṁ madhyam adho-
'mbujaṁ tat-tala-sthaṁ dhvajaṁ
tv aṅkuśaṁ vajram eṣaṁ
tale svastikanaṁ catuṣkaṁ caturbhiḥ
yutaṁ jambubhir madhya-bhataṣṭa-koṇaṁ
mano re smara śrī-harer dakṣiṇaṅghrau
lasat - glistening;
barha - peacock feather; guñja - guñjā; ancitam - decorated;
caru - beautiful; cuḍam - crown; suvakraa - curling; alakam - hair;
citrakarciḥ - colorful tilaka marking; lalaṭam - forehead;
bhruvau - eyebrows; locane - eyes; nasikam - nose; svaccha - splendid;
gaṇḍau - cheeks; śruti-dvandvam - ears; udyan-maṇi
- splendid jewels;kuṇḍala - earrings; aḍhyam - enriched;
suśoṇa - red; adharau - lips; vaṁśikam - flute;
asya - to the mouth; vṛttam - placed; tri-rekha - with three
lines; añci - arching; kaṇṭham - neck; mṛdu -
soft; skandha-yugmam - shoulders; bhujau - arms; ayatau - broad; saṅgadau
- with armlets; bhuṣaṇaḍhyau - decorated with ornaments;
karau - hands; aṅgulīḥ - fingers; sormika-lakṣma-rekhaḥ
- with lines of waves;
uraḥ - on the chest; kaustubha - Kustubha jewel; vanya - forest
flowers; mukta - pearls; adi - beginning with; malaḥ - garlands;
śriyam - beauty; dharma-rekham - the line of dharma; stanordhve
- on the breast; pradīptam - splendid; lasat - splendid; tunda -
on the abdomen; romavalīḥ - line of hairs; nabhi - navel; padmam
- lotus; kṛśam - slender; madhyamam - waist; kiṅkiṇīm
- bells; pīta - yellow;vasaḥ - garments;
su-pīnoḥ - broad; urularge; januknees; jaṅghanta - ankles;
gumpha - tied;dvaya - two; adhaḥ - beneath; raṇan - tinkling;
nupurau - anklets; pada - feet; padmam - lotus; manojña - beautiful;
aṅgulīḥ - toes; śveta - white; śoṇan
- and red; nakhan - nails; tat - of that; tala - the surface; aruṇyam
- redness; aparśni - to the heel; bibhraṇamanam - manifesting;
atha - then; aṅguṣṭha - of the big toe; mule - at the
base; yavaryata-patram - barleycorn; tanum - body; tarjanī - the
fore-toe; sandhi-bhak - meeting; urdhva-rekham - urdhva-rekha; padardhavadhim
- to half the foot; adhaḥ - beneath; ambujamlotus flower; tat-tala-stham
- on the surface; dhvajam - flag; sat-patakam - flag;
kaniṣṭha - of the smallest toe; tale - on the surface; tu
- indeed; aṅkuśam - elephant-goad; vajram - thunderbolt; eṣam
- of them; tale - on the surface; svastikanam - of svastikas; catuṣkam
- four; caturbhiḥ - with four; yutam - endowed; bhata - manifested;
aṣṭa-koṇam - eight-pointed star; manaḥ - O mind;
re - O; smara - please remember; śrī-hareḥ - of Lord Hari;
dakṣiṇa - left; aṅghrau - on the foot.
O mind, please remember
Lord Hari's splendid crown decorated with peacock feathers and guñjā,
His wavy locks of hair, His forehead splendid with tilaka, His
eyebrows, eyes, nose, splendid cheeks, ears, glittering jewel earrings,
red lips, flute, face, arching neck marked with three lines, soft shoulders,
broad arms decorated with armlets and other ornaments, hands, fingers
marked with wavy lines, chest decorated with kaustubha jewel
and garlands of pearls and forest flowers and the splendid mark of the
goddess of fortune, the line of hairs on His splendid abdomen, His lotus
navel, slender waist, tinkling bells, yellow garments, large knees, ankles
decorated with tinkling ankle-bells, lotus feet, graceful toes, pink toenails,
the redness that extends across the soles of His feet up to His heels,
and on His right foot: the barleycorn-mark at the base of His big toe,
the ūrdhva-rekhā by His fore-toe, the curved lotus
in the middle of His foot, the flag on the surface of His foot, the elephant-goad
and thunderbolt at the base of His little-toe, the four svastikas, the
jambus, and the eight-pointed star in the middle.
Texts 11-16
daraṁ tad-dvayadho dhanur jya-vihinam
tato goṣpadaṁ tat-tale tu tri-koṇaṁ
catuṣ-kumbham ardhendu-mīnau ca vame
talaṁ śoṇimaktaṁ
nakhan śveta-raktan
pade nupuraḍhye
taḍit-pīta-vaso maṇi-kiṅkiṇī-yuk
kṛśam madhyamaṁ
nabhi-padmaṁ gabhīraṁ
tanuṁ roma-rajiṁ dalabhodara-stham
uro vistṛtaṁ kaustubhaṁ lambi-haran
srajaṁ śrī-tulasyaḥ stanordhve
tu vame
śriyaṁ dakṣiṇe
brahma-lakṣma tri-rekhaṁ
svaraṇaṁ januḥ sadma-kaṇṭhaṁ
mṛduttuṅga-maṁsa-dvayaṁ sthula-phullau
bhujau saṅgadau kanti-purṇau kaphoṇī
maha-lakṣma-rekhati-raktau tu paṇi
suvarṇormika aṅgulīs tan-nakhendun
mukhaṁ dīpta-dantadharauṣṭhakṣi-gaṇḍam
lalaṭaṁ śrutī sañcalat-kuṇḍalaḍhye
kacan kuñcitan piccha-guñja-prasunaiḥ
śritaṁ caru-cuḍaṁ sphuran-manda-hasyam
viyat - slender; madhyama
- waist; adhaḥ - beneath; smara - remember; aṅguṣṭha
- of the big-toe; mule - at the root; daram - conchshell; tad-dvaya -
both; adhaḥ - beneath; dhanuḥ - bow; jya-vihinam - without
a bowstring; tataḥ - then; goṣpadam - cow's hoofprint; tat-tale
- on the surface; tu - indeed; tri-koṇam - triangle; catuḥ
- four; kumbham - waterpots; ardhendu - half-mon; mīnau - fish; ca
- also; vame - on the left;
talam - surface; śoṇima - with kunkuma; aktam - anointed; nakhan
- toenails; śveta-raktan - pink; mṛdu - soft; śoṇa
- red; parṣṇi - hel; pade - foot; nupuraḍhye - withankle-bells;
lasat - splendid; gulpha - ankle; jaṅghoru-parvoru-yugmam - legs;
taḍit - lightning; pīta - yelow; vasaḥ - garments; maṇi
- jewel; kiṅkiṇī - bells; yuk - endowed;
kṛśam - slender; madhyamam - waist; nabhi - navel; padmam -
lotus; gabhīram - deep; tanum - body; roma-rajim - line of hairs;
dala - flower petal; abha - splendid; udara - abdomen; stham - situated;
uraḥ - chest; vistṛtamexpanded; kaustubham - kaustubha jewel;
lambi-haran -necklaces; srajam - garland; śrī-tulasyaḥ
- of Tulasi; stanordhve - on the breast; tu - indeed; vame - left;
śriyam - beauty; dakṣiṇe - on the right; brahma-lakṣma
- the sign of Brahma; tri-rekham - three lines; svaraṇam - of sounds;
januḥ - knee; sadhma - abode;kaṇṭham - throat; suvṛttam
- graceful; mṛdu - soft;uttuṅga - raised; maṁsa - flesh;
dvayam - two; sthula - large; phullau - blossoms; bhujau - arms;saṅgadau
- with armlets; kanti - with handsomeness; purṇau - filled; kaphoṇī
- elbows;
maṇi - jewels; bandha - bound; bhuṣañcitam - with ornaments;
hasta-yugmam - hands; maha-lakṣma-rekha - marked with auspicious
lines; ati-raktau - very red; tu - indeed; paṇi - hands; suvarṇa
- golden; urmika - with urmikas; aṅgulīḥ
- fingers; tan-nakha - fingernails; indun - moons; mukham - face; dīpta
- splendid; danta - teeth; adharauṣṭha - lips; akṣi
- eyes; gaṇḍam - cheeks;
su - handsome; nasa - nose; bhru - eyebrows; gorocana-citrakarciḥ
- splendid tilaka made with yellow gorocanā; lalaṭam - forehead;
śrutī - ears; sañcalat - swinging; kuṇḍalaḍhye
- with earings; kacan - hair; kuñcitan - curley;piccha - peacock
feather; guñja - guñjā; prasunaiḥ - with flowers;
śritam - resting; caru - handsome; cuḍam - crown; sphurat -
splendid; manda - gentle; hasyam - smile;
Please remember
youthful Kṛṣṇa's conchshell-mark at the base of His
big-toe, beneath it the archer's bow without a bowstring, then the cow's
hoofprint, the triangle, the four waterpots, the half-moon, and the fish,
the soles of His feet anointed with red kuṅkuma, His pink
toenails, soft red heels, feet decorated with anklets, splendid ankles
and legs, garments as yellow as lightning, jewel bells, slender waist,
deep lotus-navel, the line of hairs on His flower-petal abdomen, the kaustubha
jewel, necklaces, and tulasi garland on His handsome chest,
the mark of Brahmā and the three lines on the handsome neck that
gives birth to melodious singing, the large,blossoming flowers on His
splendid, broad chest, His armlet-decorated arms flooded with glory, His
ankles, His reddish hands marked with auspicious lines and decorated with
jewel ornaments, His fingers decorated with golden rings, His face, His
splendid teeth, lips, eyes, and cheeks, His handsome nose, eyebrows, and
forehead decorated with gorocanā tilaka, His ears decorated
with swinging earrings, His wavy hair, His handsome crown decorated with
peacock feathers, guñjā, and flowers, and His glittering,
gentle smile.
Text 17
vṛndavane yau rasikau
tayos taḍin-nindi-rucaḥ kiśorya
nīlaṁśu-kantaḥ smara manda-hasyam
- in Vṛndāvana; yau - who; rasikau - expert at enjoying transcendental
pastimes; vibhataḥ - splendidly manifest; paraspara - mutual; prema
- love; sudha-rasa - nectar; adrau - mountains; tayoḥ - of Them;
taḍit - lightning; nindi - rebuking; rucaḥ - splendor; kiśoryaḥ
- of the young girl; nīla - blue; aṁśuka - garments; antaḥ
- within; smara - please remember; manda - gentle; hasyam - the smile.
A charming couple,
two mountainous oceans of the nectar of the love they bear for each other,
shines in Vṛndāvana Forest. The young girl, whose splendor
rebukes the lightning flash, hides a gentle smile under Her blue sari.
Please remember that smile.
Texts 18-25
cuḍa-maṇim ujjvala-patra-paśyam
vakralakan sat-tilakaṁ lalaṭam
bhruvau drśav añjana-rañjitabhe
śruti-dvayaṁ kuṇḍala-mañju
śalakike gaṇḍa-tale makaryau
nasaṁ sa-muktam aruṇadharoṣṭhau
dantarciṣaḥ sac-cibukaṁ sa-bindum
tri-rekhaṁ krama-lambamanan
haran nataṁsau bhuja-saṅgadatvam
kaphoṇike kaṅkaṇa-cuḍikaḍhye
ratnormika aṅgulika
śritaḥ kucau kañculikaruṇabhau
niṣkaṁ dalabhodara-roma-paṅktir
nabhiṁ kṛśaṁ madhyam utam
citrantarīyopari nīla-śaṭiṁ
uru-dvayaṁ janu-yugaṁ ca jaṅghe
gulpha-dvayaṁ haṁsaka-nupura-śrī-
bhutormika aṅgulika nakhaṁś ca
are manaś cintaya radhikaya
vame pade 'ṅguṣṭha-tale yavarī
akuñcitam acaraṇardham eva
madhyatale 'bja-dhvaja-puṣpa-vallīḥ
kaniṣṭhikadho 'ṅkuśam ekam
cakrasya mule valayatapatre
parṣṇau tu candrardham athanya-pade
parṣṇau jhaṣaṁ
syandana-śailam urdhve
tat-parśvayoḥ śakti-pade ca śaṅkham
aṅguṣṭha-mule 'tha kaniṣṭhikadho
vedīm adhaḥ kuṇḍalam eva
- braided; kuñcita - curly; sukṣma - fine; keśan - hair;
cuḍa-maṇim - crest jewel; ujjvala - splendid; patra-paśyam
- a golden leaf; vakra - curly; alakan - hair; sat-tilakamyilaka; lalaṭam
- forehead; bhruvau - eyebrows; drśau - eyes; añjana-rañjitabhe
- decorated with mascara;
śruti-dvayam - ears; kuṇḍalaearrings; mañju -
beautiful;cakri-śalakike - round; gaṇḍa-tale - on the
cheeks; makaryau - sharks; nasam - nose; sa-muktam - with a pearl; aruṇa
- red; adharoṣṭhau - lips; dantarciṣaḥ -
splendid teeth; sac-cibukam - beautiful chin; sa-bindum - with a dot of
kaṇṭham - neck; tri-rekham - with three lines; krama
- one after another; lambamanan - suspended; haran - necklaces;
nata - gracefully sloping; aṁsau - shoulders; bhuja - arms; saṅgadatvam
- with armlets; kaphoṇike - elbows; kaṅkaṇa-cuḍikaḍhye
- decorated with bracelets; sulakṣma-rekha - beautiful; and
auspicious lines; aruṇa - red; paṇihands; padme - lotus;
ratnormika - jewel urmikās; aṅgulika - rings; nakha - fingernails;
śrī - beauty; śritaḥ - shltered; kucau - breasts;
kañculika - bodice; aruṇabhau - red; niṣkam - locket;
dalabha - like a flower petal; udara - abdomen; roma-paṅktiḥ
- line of hairs; nabhim - navel; kṛśam - slender; madhyam
- waist; utam tri-valya - with three lines;
citra - colorful; antarīya - ndergarment; upari - above; nīla
- blue; śaṭim - petticoat; uru-dvayam - thighs; janu-yugam
- knees; ca - and; jaṅghe - legs; gulpha-dvayam - ankles; haṁsaka
- anklets; nupura - ankle-bells; śrī - beauty; bhutormika -
urmikas; aṅgulika - rings; nakhan - fingernails; ca - and;
are - O; manaḥ - mind; cintaya - please meditate; radhikayaḥ
- of Rādhā; vame - on the left; pade - foot; aṅguṣṭha-tale
- on the big toe; yavarī - barleycorn; pradeśinī - the
fore-toe; sandhi-bhag - meeting; urdhva-rekham - an urdhva-rekhā;
akuñcitam - small; acaraṇardham - small chariot; eva - indeed;
madhyatale - in the middle; abja - lotus; dhvaja - flag; puspa - flower;
vallīḥ - vine; kaniṣṭhikadho - beneath the smallest
toe; aṅkuśam - elephant-goad; ekam - one; eva - indeed; cakrasya
- of a wheel; mule - the hub; valaya - bracelet; atapatre - parasol;
parṣṇau - on the heel; tu - indeed; candrardham - half-moon;
atha - then; anya-pade - on the other foot; parṣṇau - on the
heel; jhaṣam - fish; syandana - chariot; śailam - mountain;
urdhve - above; tat-parśvayoḥ - of that side; śakti-pade
- śakti; ca - and; aṅkham - conch; aṅguṣṭha-mule
- at thebase of the big toe; atha - then; kaniṣṭhikadhaḥ
- beneath the little toe; vedīm - altar; adhaḥ - beneath; kuṇḍalam
- earing; eva - indeed; tasyaḥ - of Her.
O mind, please meditate
on Rādhā's fine, curly, braided hair, the jewel, golden leaf,
tilaka, and curly hairs on Her forehead, Her eyebrows, mascara-anointed
eyes, ears, the charming shark-shaped earings at Her cheeks, Her pearl-decorated
nose, lips. splendid teeth, musk-dot-decorated chin, neck marked with
three lines and decorated with many necklaces, gracefully sloping shoulders,
armlet-decorated arms, elbows, lotus hands endowed with beautiful and
auspicious lines and decorated with bracelets, jewel ūrmikās,
rings, beautiful fingernails, breasts covered with a splendid red bodice,
locket, flower-petal abdomen with a line of hairs, navel, slender waist
marked with three lines, colorful undergarments, blue petticoat, thighs,
knees, legs, ankles, anklets, ankle-bells, toe-ūrmikās, toe-rings,
and toe-nails, the barleycorn and ari beneath Her left big-toe, the ūrdhva-rekhā
beneath Her fore-toe, the small chariot nearby, the lotus, flag, flower,
and vine in the middle, the elephant-goad beneath Her little-toe, beneath
that a bracelet and parasol, on the heel a half-moon, on the heel of the
other foot a fish, above that a flying mountain, on the sides a śakti
and pada, under the big-toe a conchshell, under the little toe an altar,
and beneath that an earring.
Texts 26-31
pados tale parṣṇi-yugaṁ
ca śoṇaṁ
ratnormika rakta-nakhaṅgulīś ca
mañjīra-yugmaṁ tanu-gulpha-jaṅgha-
januru-śobha jaghanam nitambam
vasaḥ sa-sutraṁ
maṇi-mekhalaṁ ca
nabhiṁ dalabhodara-roma-vallyau
pīnau kucau kañculikañcitau ca
kaṇṭhaṁ tri-rekhaṁ maṇi-hema-haran
skandhau natav aṅgadinau
bhujau śrī-
bharau kaphoṇī maṇi-bandha-yugmam
śoṇe karabje mṛdulaṅgulīś
ratnormikas taḥ su-nakhendu-khaṇḍan
sa-śyama-binduṁ cibukaṁ mukhabjam
oṣṭhadharau gaṇḍa-yugaṁ sa-citraṁ
karṇau lasat-kuṇḍala-candrikaḍhyau
nasaṁ maṇi-mauktika-bhuṣitaṁ
dvayaṁ lasat-kajjalam ucchalantau
bhruvau lalaṭaṁ tilakaṁ ca patra-
paśyaṁ su-vakralaka-lolimanam
smara citra-cuḍa-
maṇiṁ prasunavali-gumpha-citram
veṇīṁ tri-veṇīm iva bala-paśyaṁ
virajad agram atha manda-hasyam
- of the feet; tale - on the surface; parṣṇi-yugam - heels;
ca - and; śoṇam - red; ratnormika - jewel urmikās; rakta
- red; nakhaṅgulīḥ - toe-rings; ca - and; mañjīra-yugmam
- ankle-bells; tanu-gulpha - ankles; jaṅgha - legs; janu - knees;
uru - thighs; śobha - beauty; jaghanam nitambam - hips;
vasaḥ - garments; sa-sutram - with sash; maṇi-mekhalam - jewel
belt; ca - and; nabhim - navel; dalabha - like a flower petal; udaraabdomen;
roma-vallyau - line of hairs; pīnau - full; kucau - breasts; kañculikañcitau
- with a bodice; ca - and; kaṇṭham - neck; tri-rekham - three
lines; maṇi-hema-haran - necklaces of gold and jewels;
skandhau - shoulders; natau - sloping; aṅgadinau+with armlets; bhujau
- arms; śrī - beauty; bharau - filled with; kaphoṇī
- elbows; maṇi-bandha-yugmam - with jewels; vicitra - colorful;
cuḍa - crown; maṇi - jewels; kaṅkana - bracelets; aḍhyam
- enriched; śoṇe - red; karabje - lotus hands; mṛdula
- delictae; aṅgulīḥ - fingers; ca - and;
ratnormikaḥ - jewel urmikās; taḥ - them; su-nakhendu-khaṇḍan
- fingernail half-moons; sa-śyama-bindum - with a musk-dot; cibukam
-chin; mukhabjam - lotus face; oṣṭhadharau - lips; gaṇḍa-yugam
- cheeks; sa-citram - wonderful; karṇau - ears; lasat - glistening;
kuṇḍala - earings; candrika - by the moonlisght; aḍhyau
- enriched;
nasam - nose; maṇi - jewels; mauktika - pearls; bhuṣitam -
decorated; dṛk-dvayam - eyes; lasat - splendid; kajjalam - mascara;
ucchalantau - rising; bhruvau - eyebrows; lalaṭam - forehead; tilakam
- tilaka marking; ca - and; patra-paśyam - a golden leaf; su-vakralakabeautiful
curly hair; lolimanam - moving;
sīmanta - in the part of the hair; rekham - the line; smara - please
remember; citra - wonderful; cuḍa - crown; maṇim - jewel;
prasunavali - flowers; gumpha-citram - wonderfully tied; veṇīm
- braids; tri-veṇīm - the confluence of the Ganges Yamunā
and Sarasvati; iva - like; bala-paśyam - a bālapaśya ornament;
virajat - shining; agram - at thefront; atha - then; manda - gentle; hasyam
- smile.
Please remember
Rādhā's red soles and heels, Her jewel ūrmika
ornaments, red toes and toenails, ankle-bells, beautiful ankles, legs,
knees, thighs, hips, garments, sash, jewel belt, navel, flower-petal abdomen
with a line of hairs, full breasts gracefully covered by a bodice, neck
marked with three lines, necklaces of jewels and gold, sloping shoulders,
beautiful arms decorated with armlets, elbows, wonderful jewel bracelets
and ornaments, red lotus hands with delicate fingers, jewel ūrmikās,
beautiful half-moon fingernails, musk-dot-decorated chin, lotus face,
lips, wonderful cheeks, ears with earings glistening in the moonlight,
nose decorated with pearls and jewels, eyes splendid with mascara, raised
eyebrows, forehead with tilaka, golden-leaf-ornament, and moving locks
of hair, line in the parted hair, wonderful jewel crown, braids wonderfully
tied with flowers so they appear like the confluence of the Ganges, Yamunā,
and Sarasvati, bālapaśyā ornament, and splendid,
gentle smile.
Text 32
maṇau mano dvi-trir atho catur va
avartayed yo dhṛtiman paṭhan sa
prapnoti tad-darśanam aśu sakṣat
- of Śri Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa; rupa - of the beauty;
cintamaṇau - the two cintāmaṇi jewels; manaḥ -
the mind; dvi - two; triḥ - three; atha - then; u - indeed; catuḥ
- four; va - or; avartayet - reads; yaḥ - who; dhṛtiman -
a peaceful devotee; paṭhan - reading; saḥ - he; prapnoti -
attains; tat - of Them; darśanam - the sight; aśu - quickly
and easily; sakṣat - directly.
A peaceful devotee
who, reading these verses, turns his heart two, three, or four times towards
the cintāmaṇi jewel of the beauty of Śri Śri
Rādhā-Mādhava, will quickly and easily come to see them