intelligent man therefore, who is not disturbed by these interactions of
material energy and thinks of such resultant happiness and distress as different
phases of the inferior energy is competent to regain again the anti-material
world where life is eternal and of permanent bliss."
Anti-material world is suggested here and the information is that
in the anti-material world there is no such experience of seasonal changes.
Everything there is permanent, blissful and full of intelligence. But when
we say it is a world it has its forms and parapharnalia of different categories
beyond our material experiences.
"The material body is destructible and as such it is changeable
and temporary. So is the material world. But the anti-material living force
is non-destructible and therefore it is permanent. Expert scientists have
thus distinguished the different qualities of the material and anti-material
particles as temporary and permanent respectively."
The discovery of the two forms of matter have yet to find out the
qualities of anti-matter. But the vivid description is already given in
the Bhagwat Geeta as follows and the scientist can make further research
on the basis of these valuable information.
"The anti-material particle is finer than the finest of the material
particle and this living force is so powerful that it spreads its influence
all over the material body. Although the anti-material particle is finer
than the finest of material particle it maintains the whole material body
in sound and healthy state as if with medicinal effect. That anti-material
particle has immense Potency than material Particle and as such no body
can destroy such anti-material particle."
Here is the beginning of description of the anti-material particle
and it it given more expressively in the following manner.

Vishnu - the Supersoul -
sits in the hearts of all living entities,
as well as in all the atoms
"The finest form of anti-material particle is encaged within the
gross and subtle material bodies. But with all the material bodies (both
gross and subtle) are destructible whereas the finest anti-material particle
is eternal principle. One should therefore be more serious about this
eternal principle."
Perfection of science will culminate when it is possible for the
material scientists to know the qualities of the anti-material particles
and liberate it from the association of non-permanent material particles.
This liberation of the anti-material particle from the association of material
particles is the highest stage of scientific progress.
The suggestion of the scientists that there may exist also another
world consisting of anti-material atoms and a clash between the two worlds
namely material amd non-material will result in the annihilation of both
the worlds is partly true. Such clash is continually going on between the
material and anti- material particles. But in that continuous clashing,
annihilation of the material particles is taking place at every step while
the non-material particle is trying to get out of it. And this fact is explained
in the Bhagwat Geeta as follows:--
"The non-material particle, which is the living entity which influences
the material particles to work, is always non-destructible. So long the
anti-material particle is within the lump of material particles known by
the names of gross and subtle bodies -- the whole thing manifests as a living
unit. As such in the continuous clashing between the two particles, the
non-material particle is never annihilated neither any body is able to cause
such annihilation of the anti-material particle at any time past, present
or future."
We think therefore that the theory of annihilation of both the worlds
is wrong in conception. This is further explained in the Bhagwat Geeta as
"The finest and immeasurable anti-material particle is always indestructible,
permanent and eternal. But its encagement by material particle is annihilated
at a certain period. The same principle is applicable also in the case of
material and anti-material worlds. No body should be afraid of the anti-material
particle as becoming subject to annihilation either as particle or as the
world of such particles."
Everything that is annihilated is also created at a certain stage.
As the material body is created so also the material world is created. And
because the anti-material particle is never annihilated so also it is never
created. This is corroborated in the "Bhagwat Geeta" as follows:--
"The anti-material particle which is the vital force is neither
born or created. It exists eternally. It has no date of birth nor any period
of death. It is neither created nor annihilated by repitition. It is eternally
existing and as such it is the oldest of the old and yet it is always fresh
and new. By annihilation of the material particles the anti-material particle
is never annihilated."
The above principle is applicable to the anti-material world also.
When the material world is annihilated, the anti-material world exists in
all circumstances. This fact will be explained more elaborately later on
in this article. The anti-material scientists may also know if from the
Bhagwat Geeta as follows:--
"A learned fellow who knows perfectly well that the anti-material
particle is indestructible, does not think of its being annihilated by any
The atomic scientist may think of annihilating the material world
by their discovery of nuclear weapons, but they are unable to so in the
matter of the anti-material world.
The anti-material particle is more clearly explained in the following
"It is neither cut into pieces by any material weapon, nor is it
burnt by fire. Neither it is moistened by water nor it is dried up or
evaporated by air."
"It is indivisible, non-flammable, insoluable and non-evaporable.
On account of its being eternal it can enter into any sort of body. Being
steady by constitution, its qualities as above are always fixed up."
"It is inexplicable also on account of its being contrary to all
material qualities. It is unthinkable by ordinary brain. It is unchangeable.
No body should ever lament over the anti-material principle."
Thus in he Bhagwat Geeta and in all other Vedic literatures the
superior energy anti-material principle is accepted as the vital force or
the living spirit explained in one word as 'Jiva.' This living principle
is impossible to be generated by any sort of combination of material elements.
The material elements namely (1) earth, (2) water, (3) air, (4) fire, (5)
sky, (6) mind, (7) intelligence and material (8) ego all these eight material
principles are described as inferior energies whereas the living force or
the anti-material principle is described as the superior energy. They are
called energies because they are controlled by the supreme Living Being
or the Personality of Godhead (Krishna).
The materialist was so long limited within the boundary of eight
material principles as above mentioned but it is encouraging that he has
now a faint information of the anti-material principle and an anti-material
world also. We hope with the progress of time such materialist will be able
to estimate the value of anti-material world, where everything is anti-material
without any trace of material principles. The very word anti-material suggests
that the principle is completely different from all material qualities.
The mental speculators, in two groups, realise this anti-material principle
in two different morphological conclusions. One of them (the gross materialist)
deny to accept the anti-material principle or they admit only of dis-integration
of material combination at a certain stage. The other one accepts the anti-material
principle as completely opposite to the material principle with its twenty
four categories. The second speculator is known as the 'Samkhyas' or the
speculator who scrutinise the material principles with minute analysis and
synthesis. And at the end of such conclusion such Sankhyaists do accept
only a transcendental principle or anti-material principle. But the difficulty
for both of the above mentioned speculators is that they speculate with
the help of inferior energy without any source of information from the Superior.
It is therefore necessary that one should rise up to the plane of Superior
energy and from that transcendental position only one can realise the real
position of the anti-material principle.
From the platform of material world one cannot estimate the real
position of the anti-material world. But the Supreme Lord who is the controller
of both the material and anti-material energies descends out of His causeless
mercy, and gives us complete information of the anti-material world and
thus we can know what the anti-material world is. The Supreme Lord and the
living entities both are of the same anti-material quality. We can thus
make an idea of the Supreme Lord by an elaborate study of the living entities.
Every living entity is an individual person. Therefore the Supreme Living
Being must also be the Supreme Person. In the Vedic literature the Supreme
Person is very rightly claimed as Krishna. This name of Krishna of the Supreme
Lord is the only intelligible Name of the highest order. Because He is the
controller of both the energies material and anti-material, the very word
Krishna signifies that He is the Supreme Controller.
In the Bhagwat Geeta the Lord informs this fact as follows:--
"There are two worlds namely the material world and the anti-material
world. The material world is made of inferior qualities energy divided into
eight material principles but anti-material world is made of superior qualities
energy. And because both the material and anti-material energies are emanations
of the Supreme Transcendence Personality of Godhead, it is apt to conclude
that Lord Krishna is the ultimate cause of all creations and annihilations."
The Lord's two inferior and superior energies manifest the material
and anti-material worlds and as such He is the Absolute Truth. In the Bhagwat
Geeta the Lord explains the fact as follows:--
"I am, therefore, the highest principle or transcendence and there
is nothing greater than Me, oh Dhananjoy. Everything that be is thus inter-woven
in My energies exactly like the pearls are woven on the thread."
Long long before the discovery of the principles of anti-matter
particles or the anti-material world, the subject matter was delineated
in the pages of the Bhagwat Geeta. And from the Bhagwat Geeta it appears
that the philosophy was first taught to the presiding deity of the Sun-globe.
This means that the principles of the Bhagwat Geeta was spoken by the
Personality of Godhead long long before or at least 400,000,000 forty
crores of year before. Modern science has just very late discovered partial
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