Śrī Balabhadra-stava-rāja
(The King of Prayers to Lord Balarāma)
(Verses 8.11.1 - 8.11.10)
दुर्योधन उवाच
स्तोत्रं श्री-बलदेवस्य प्राड्विपाक महा-मुने
वद मां कृपया साक्षात् सर्व-सिद्धि-प्रदायकम्
duryodhana uvāca
stotraṁ śrī-baladevasya
prāḍvipāka mahā-mune
vada māṁ kṛpayā sākṣāt
duryodhana uvāca—Duryodhana said; stotram—prayer; śrī-baladevasya—of Lord Balarāma; prāḍvipāka—Śrī Prāḍvipāka Muni; mahā-mune—O great sages; vada—please tell; mām—me; kṛpayā—mercifully; sākṣāt—directly; sarva-siddhi-pradāyakam—giving all perfection.
Duryodhana said: O Prāḍvipāka, O great sage, please kindly tell me the prayer of Lord Balarāma, which grants all perfection. (8.11.1)
श्री-प्राड्विपाक उवाच
स्तव-राजं तु रामस्य वेदव्यास-कृतं शुभम्
सर्व-सिद्धि-प्रदं राजन् छृनु कैवल्यदं नृणाम्
śrī-prāḍvipāka uvāca
stava-rājaṁ tu rāmasya
vedavyāsa-kṛtaṁ śubham
sarva-siddhi-pradaṁ rājan
chṛnu kaivalyadaṁ nṛṇām
śrī-prāḍvipāka uvāca—Śrī Prāḍvipāka Muni said; stava—of prayers; rājam—the king; tu—indeed; rāmasya—of Lord Balarāma; vedavyāsa-kṛtam—written by Vedavyāsa; śubham—auspicious; sarva-siddhi-pradam—giving all perfection; rājan—O king; śṛnu—please hear; kaivalyadam—giving liberation; nṛṇām—to the living entities.
Śrī Prāḍvipāka Muni said: O king, please hear the regal and beautiful prayer of Lord Balarāma, a prayer that brings liberation and all perfection. (8.11.2)
देवादि-देव भगवन् काम-पाल नमो ऽस्तु ते
नमो ऽनन्ताय शेषाय साक्षाद्-रामाय ते नमह्
devādi-deva bhagavan
kāma-pāla namo 'stu te
namo 'nantāya śeṣāya
sākṣād-rāmāya te namah
devādi-deva—O master of the demigods; bhagavan—O Supreme Personality of Godhead; kāma-pāla—O fulfiller of desires; namah—obeisances; astu—should be; te—to You; namah—obeisances; anantāya śeṣāya—to Ananta Śeṣa; sākṣād-rāmāya—who is directly Lord Balarāma; te—to You; namah—obeisances.
O master of the demigods, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, O fulfiller of desires, obeisances to You! O Lord Ananta Śeṣa, obeisances to You! O Lord Balarāma, obeisances to You! (8.11.3)
धरा-धराय पूर्णाय स्व-धाम्ने सीर-पाणये
सहस्र-शिरसे नित्यं नमह् सङ्कर्षणाय ते
dharā-dharāya pūrṇāya
sva-dhāmne sīra-pāṇaye
sahasra-śirase nityaṁ
namah saṅkarṣaṇāya te
dharā-dharāya—the maintainer of the earth; pūrṇāya—perfect and complete; sva-dhāmne—glorious; sīra-pāṇaye—plow in hand; sahasra-śirase—a thousand heads; nityam—always; namah—obeisances; saṅkarṣaṇāyA—to Lord Saṅkarṣaṇa; te—to You.
O Lord who maintains the earth, O glorious Lord, O perfect and complete Lord, O Lord who holds a plow in Your hand, O Lord who has a thousand heads, O Lord Saṅkarṣaṇa, eternal obeisances to You! (8.11.4)
रेवती-रमण त्वं वै बलदेवाच्युताग्रज
हलायुध प्रलम्ब-घ्न पाहि मां पुरुषोत्तम
revatī-ramaṇa tvaṁ vai
halāyudha pralamba-ghna
pāhi māṁ puruṣottama
revatī-ramaṇa—O husband of Revatī; tvam—You; vai—indeed; baladeva—Balarāma; acyutāgraja—O elder brother of Lord Kṛṣṇa; halāyudha—carrying a plow-weapon; pralamba-ghna—killer of Pralambāsura; pāhi—please proetct; mām—me; puruṣottama—O Supreme Personality of Godhead.
O husband of Revatī, O Lord Balarāma, O elder brother of Lord Kṛṣṇa, O Lord who holds a plow-weapon, O killer of Pralambāsura, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, please protect me! (8.11.5)
बलाय बलभद्राय तालाङ्काय नमो नमह्
नीलाम्बराय गौराय रौहिणेयाय ते नमह्
balāya balabhadrāya
tālāṅkāya namo namah
nīlāmbarāya gaurāya
rauhiṇeyāya te namah
balāya—to Lord Balarāma; balabhadrāya—to Lord Balarāma; tālāṅkāya—who carries the palm-tree flag; namah—obeisances; namah—obeisances; nīlāmbarāya—who wears blue garments; gaurāya—whose complexion is fair; rauhiṇeyāya—to the son of Rohiṇī; te—to You; namah—obeisances.
O Lord Balarāma, who carries a palm-tree flag, obeisances to You! O son of Rohiṇī, O fair-complexioned Lord dressed in blue garments, obeisances to You! (8.11.6)
धेनुकारिर् मुष्टिकारिह् कूटारिर् बल्वलान्तकह्
रुक्म्य्-अरिह् कूपकर्णारिह् कुम्भन्दारिस् त्वम् एव हि
dhenukārir muṣṭikārih
kūṭārir balvalāntakah
rukmy-arih kūpakarṇārih
kumbhandāris tvam eva hi
dhenukārih—the enemy of Dhenuka; muṣṭikārih—the enemy of Muṣṭika; kūṭārih—the enemy of Kūṭa; balvalāntakah—the killer of Balvala; rukmy-arih—the enemy of Rukmi; kūpakarṇārih—the enemy of Kupakarna; kumbhandārih—the enemy of Kumbandha; tvam—You; eva—indeed; hi—indeed.
You are the enemy of Dhenuka, the enemy of Muṣṭika, the enemy of Kūṭa, the killer of Balvala, the enemy of Rukmī, the enemy of Kūpakarṇa, and the enemy of Kumbhanda. (8.11.7)
कालिन्दी-भेदनो ऽसि त्वं हस्तिनापुर-कर्षकह्
द्विविदारिर् यादवेन्द्रो व्रज-मण्डल-मण्डणह्
kālindī-bhedano 'si tvaṁ
dvividārir yādavendro
kālindī—of the Yamunā; bhedanah—the breaker; asi—You are; tvam—You; hastināpura-karṣakah—the dragger of Hastināpura; dvividārih—the enemy of Dvivida; yādavendrah—the king of the Yadavas; vraja-maṇḍala-maṇḍaṇah—the ornament of the circle of Vraja.
You are the Lord who broke the Yamunā and dragged Hastināpura. You are the enemy of Dvivida. You are the king of the Yādavas. You are the ornament of Vraja's circle. (8.11.8)
कंस-भ्रातृ-प्रहन्तासि तीर्थ-यात्रा-करह् प्रभुह्
दुर्योधन-गुरुह् साक्षात् पाहि पाहि प्रभो त्व् अतह्
tīrtha-yātrā-karah prabhuh
duryodhana-guruh sākṣāt
pāhi pāhi prabho tv atah
kaṁsa-bhrātṛ-prahantā—the killer of Kaṁsa's brothers; asi—You are; tīrtha-yātrā-karah—a pilgrim; prabhuh—the master; duryodhana-guruh—the guru of Duryodhana; sākṣāt—directly; pāhi—please protect; pāhi—please protect; prabhah—O Lord; tv—indeed; atah—then.
You are the killer of Kaṁsa's brothers. You are the supreme master, the Lord who went on pilgrimage, and Duryodhana's guru. O master, please protect me! Please protect me! (8.11.9)
जय जयाच्युत-देव परात् पर स्वयम् अनन्त-दिग्-अन्त-गत-श्रुत
सुर-मुनीन्द्र-फणीन्द्र-चराय ते मुसलिने बलिने हलिने नमः
jaya jayācyuta-deva parāt para
svayam ananta-dig-anta-gata-śruta
sura-munīndra-phaṇīndra-carāya te
musaline baline haline namaḥ
jaya—glory; jaya—glory; acyuta-deva—O infallible Lord; parāt—than the greatest; para—greater; svayam—directly; ananta-dig-anta-gata-śruta—whose glories are heard in all directions without limit; sura-munīndra-phaṇīndra-carāya—worshiped by the demigods, the kings of the sages, and the kings of the serpents; te—to You; musaline—holding a club; baline—powerful; haline—holding a plow; namaḥ—obeisances.
O infallible Lord, greater than the greatest, O Lord whose glories are heard in all directions without limit, glory to You! Glory to You! O Lord served by the demigods, the kings of the sages, and the kings of the serpents, O powerful Lord who holds a plow and a club, obeisances to You! (8.11.10)
इह पठेत् सततं स्तवनं तु यह् स तु हरेह् परमं पदम् आव्रजेत्
जगति सर्व-बलं त्व् अरि-मर्दनं भवति तस्य जयह् स-जनं धनम्
iha paṭhet satataṁ stavanaṁ tu yah
sa tu hareh paramaṁ padam āvrajet
jagati sarva-balaṁ tv ari-mardanaṁ
bhavati tasya jayah sa-janaṁ dhanam
iha—here; paṭhet—reads, recites; satatam—regularly; stavanam—prayer; tu—certainly; yah—who; sah—he; tu—certainly; hareh—of Lord Hari; paramam—the supreme; padam—abode; āvrajet—goes; jagati—in the world; sarva—all; balam—strength; tu— indeed; ari—enemies; mardanam—crushing; bhavati—becomes; tasya—of him; jayah—victory; sa-janam—with followers; dhanam—wealth.
A person who regularly reads or recites these prayers attains Lord Hari's supreme abode. Even in this world he attains all strength. He crushes his enemies. For him are victory, wealth, and followers. (Garga-Samhita 1.10.44)
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Lord Balarāma - Baladeva