"All glories to Sri Kṛṣṇa, who enjoys transcendental pastimes in Vrndavana forest. His lovely complexion is as splendid as blue sapphires (indra-nīla-maṇi). His ears decorated with blossoming kadamba flowers, and his broad chest is decorated with a garland of gunja berries." (Sri Prathama Kunja-vihary-ashtaka by Srila Rupa Gosvami)
1) All glories to Sri Krsna, who enjoys transcendental pastimes in Vrndavana forest. His complexion is as splendid as sapphires. He wears kadamba blossom earrings, and his broad chest is decorated with a garland of gunja.
2) All glories to Sri Krsna, who enjoys transcendental pastimes in Vrndavana forest. He is the cakora bird that drinks the moonlight of Sri Radha's face. He steals away the composure of all the gopis. Skillfully clapping his hands in the rhythm known as carcari, he dances very gracefully.
3) All glories to Sri Krsna, who enjoys transcendental pastimes in Vrndavana forest. He stopped his relatives from performing the famous sacrifice. He removed Indra's pride, and to protect the people of Vraja he playfully lifted Govardhana hill.
4) All glories to Sri Krsna, who enjoys transcendental pastimes in Vrndavana forest. His pastimes are glorified by the parrots. By decorating his flute with many beautiful melodies, he glorifies the festival of his transcendental amorous love.
5) All glories to Sri Krsna, who enjoys transcendental pastimes in Vrndavana forest. The luster of his silk garments eclipses the glory of gold. The top of His head is decorated with a peacock feather. He pleases the splendid girls of Vraja.
6) All glories to Sri Krsna, who enjoys transcendental pastimes in Vrndavana forest. He is anointed with fragrant sandal paste. His hips are decorated with a golden belt. He is the elephant bound by the rope of the raised breasts of Sri Radhika.
7) All glories to Sri Krsna, who enjoys transcendental pastimes in Vrndavana forest. His forehead is splendid with golden dhatu tilaka. His campaka garland moves to and fro in his pastimes. He meets the beautiful-eyebrowed gopis in the palatial caves of Govardhana hill.
8) All glories to Sri Krsna, who enjoys transcendental pastimes in Vrndavana forest. His dancing sidelong glances make the gopis drop all their household duties. He is the charming lover of Vrsabhanu's daughter, who is mad with love for Him.
9) He who reads these eight verses, which are beautified by the Lord's charming pastimes in the forest, will attain many splendid transcendental virtues. He will become attached to the service of the Lord's lotus feet.
I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is adept in playing on His flute, with blooming eyes like lotus petals with head decked with peacock's feather, with the figure of beauty tinged with the hue of blue clouds, and His unique loveliness charming millions of Cupids. Sri Brahma-Samhita 5.30
"I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, round whose neck is swinging a garland of flowers beautified with the moon-locket, whose two hands are adorned with the flute and jeweled ornaments, who always revels in pastimes of love, whose graceful threefold-bending form of Syamasundara is eternally manifest."
The matchless beauty of Krishna, the Supreme Lord of Goloka, is being described. Krishna, the all-pervading cognition, has a spiritual form of His own. The form of Krishna is not a fanciful creation of imagination formed after visualizing the beautiful things of the world. What Brahma saw in his ecstatic trance of pure devotion, is being described. Krishna is engaged in playing upon His flute. That flute by his enchanting musical sound attracts the hearts of all living beings. Just as a lotus petal produces a pleasant sight, so the two beautiful eyes of Krishna who causes the manifestation of our spiritual vision, display the unlimited splendor and beauty of His moonlike face. The loveliness that adorns His head with peacock feather figures, the corresponding feature of the spiritual beauty of Krishna. Just as a mass of blue clouds offers a specifically soothing, pleasant view, the complexion of Krishna is analogously tinged with a spiritual dark-blue color. The beauty and loveliness of Krishna is far more enchanting that that of Cupid multiplied a millionfold.