1. I worship Kesava, who returns from the forest of Vraja with
His ears beautified with earrings made of fresh Kadamba buds, whose
crown is brightened by blooming Malati flowers and around whose
neck a wreath of slightly blooming Yuthika flowers is wound.
2. I worship Kesava, who returns from the forest of Vraja, joyfully
wandering amongst His surabhi cows, calling them by name: "Pisangi!
Manikastani! Pranatasrngi! Pingeksane! Mrdanga-mukhi! Dhumale! Sabali!
Hamsi! Vamsipriye!"
3. I worship Kesava, who returns from the forest of Vraja. He is
softened by deep love, enjoys sweet joking conversations and He
is the abode of all playful enjoyments. He shines in many different
dresses and laughs at the best jokes that His friends make along
the way.
4. I worship Kesava, who returns from the forest of Vraja. The
leaves that were painted on His cheeks with mountain minerals are
slightly washed away by drops of perspiration and His curly locks
defeat the luster of a cluster of bees.
5. I worship Kesava, who returns from the forest of Vraja. The
cows that eagerly look at their bound up calves deeply carve the
soil with their dancing hooves, and He withholds them with the soft
playing of His flute.
6. I worship Kesava, who returns from the forest of Vraja, beautifying
the roads with His footprints, whose garland is made grey by the
dust thrown up by His herd of restless cows and whose cloth, scarf
and crown are moving along with the waves of the blowing wind.
7. I worship Kesava, who returns from the forest of Vraja, where
He gladdened the minds of all the cowherd girls at once with the
playful and artful tunes of His Murali flute, which causes them
to horripilate of ecstasy within their inner quarters, and who constantly
gives joy to the heart of the queen of Vraja, Yasoda.
8. I worship Kesava, who returns from the forest of Vraja, being
worshipped by hundreds of dancing, playful glances and beautiful
smiles of the beautiful girls on the road, and the corners of whose
bee like eyes move restlessly around their bud like breasts.
9. To anyone who nicely recites these eight prayers, that are a
festival of bliss for all the cowherd girls, the friend of Visakha,
Sri Krsna, will give firmly fixed attraction to His lotus feet.
Such a pure minded soul will attain all happiness.
End of Sri Sri Keshavastakam by Srila Rupa Goswami

worship Kesava, who returns from the forest
of Vraja, joyfully wandering amongst His surabhi cows,
calling them by name: "Pisangi! Manikastani! Pranatasrngi!
Pingeksane! Mrdanga-mukhi! Dhumale! Sabali! Hamsi! Vamsipriye!"