Text1 Süß
sind Deine Lippen, süß ist Dein Gesicht, Text2 Süß
sind Deine Worte, süß ist Dein Charakter, Text3 Süß
ist Dein Flötenspiel, süß ist der Staub an Deinen Füßen,
Text4 Süß
ist Dein Lied, süß ist Dein Trinken, Text5 Text6 Text7 Text8 Süß
sind die Gopas, süß sind die Kühe,
"Die Gedanken der gopīs erfreuen sich ständig der Süße von Kṛṣṇas Körper. Er ist der Ozean der Schönheit, und Sein liebliches Antlitz, Sein bezauberndes Lächeln und die Ausstrahlung Seines Körpers wirken immer sehr anziehend auf die gopīs. Im Kṛṣṇakarṇāmṛta werden diese drei Aspekte als »süß«, »süßer« und »am süßesten« beschrieben. Wenn der reine Gottgeweihte durch den Anblick der Schönheit von Kṛṣṇas Körper, der Schönheit Seines Gesichtes und der Schönheit Seines Lächelns von Ekstase überwältigt wird, verkrampft sich sein Körper oft. Diese transzendentalen Konvulsionen dauern ohne Linderung manchmal an, wie gewöhnliche Krampfanfälle, bei denen man kein Wasser zur Erleichterung trinken darf. Der Gottgeweihte leidet in der Abwesenheit Kṛṣṇas unter ständig wachsenden Trennungs-schmerzen, und er sehnt sich danach, den Nektar Seiner Schönheit zu trinken. Wenn Kṛṣṇas transzendentale Flöte erklingt, durchdringt das starke Verlangen des Gottgeweihten, diese Flöte zu hören, die Schale des Universums und erreicht den spirituellen Himmel, wo der transzendentale Klang der Flöte in die Ohren des Gottgeweihten eingeht. Kṛṣṇas Flöte verklingt in den Ohren der gopīs niemals, sondern läßt vielmehr ihre Ekstase ständig anwachsen. Wenn diese Klänge sie erfüllen, kann kein anderer Ton in ihr Ohr dringen, und im Umgang mit ihren Familien sind sie nicht in der Lage, richtig zu antworten, da all diese herrlichen Töne in ihnen schwingen." (Die Lehren Sri Krsna Caitanyas, 10. Kapitel)
The Madhurasthakam, composed by Sri Vallabhacharya (1478 A.D), is a unique stotra, describing the Sweetness of Lord Sri Krishna. Madhurashtakam was originally written in Sanskrit and is easily understood. Only one word, madhuram, is repeated seven times each in this ashtakam (poem with eight verses)! The Madhurasthakam uses just one adjective, "madhuram", meaning sweet or beautiful etc., to describe the lovely attributes of Lord Sri Krishna's beautiful form, who is the master of Sweetness and Sweetness personified. It is evident from the ashtakam that the devotee is fascinated to have a look at not only the beautiful divine sweet form [sarvanga sundara rupam] of Lord Krishna, but also the very existence of the Lord -- by way of His moves, plays, pastimes, etc. Thus says the devotee: "The Lord of Mathura, Krishna, is sweet, sweet and nothing but sweet! Even ambrosia and nectar may satiate after some time, but concerning the sweetness of the Divine Lord, one cannot have enough of it. Krishna's lips are very sweet, his beautiful face is sweet, his beautiful black eyes with sidelong glances are sweet, his enchanting smile is even sweeter, his love-sports are very sweet and his three-fold bend form is very sweet. O Lord of sweetness, everything about You is completely sweet, You are sweetness personified."
Vallabha-acharya (1479-1531) A famous 16th century sage-philosopher of India and great devotee of Lord Krishna. He was born in Champaran near Raipur in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh.
Within Indian Philosophy he is known as the writer of sixteen 'stotras' (tracts) and produced several commentaries on the Bhagavata Purana, which describes the many lilas (pastimes) of the Avatar, Lord Sri Krishna. Many of his pieces involve praise of Lord Krishna, especially in the form of a boy. Some works include Vyasa Sutra Bhashya, Jaimini Sutra Bhasya, Bhagavata Tika Subodhini, Pushti Pravala Maryada and Siddhanta Rahasya, all in Sanskrit. He has written many books in Brij Bhasha as well.
Acharya occupies a unique place in Indian culture as a scholar, a philosopher
and devotional (bhakti) preacher. He is especially known as a lover and a propagator
of Bhagavata Dharma, teaching the path of Pushti-Marga, or the "path of grace",
establishing the worship of Sri Nathji.
Shri Nathji is the form of Lord Krishna when he lifted the Govardhana Hill. He is shown with his left hand raised and the right hand closed in a fist and resting on his hip. His followers worship him both as Shri Radhanath or the Lord of Radha and as the mischievous, naughty child Bala-Krishna. Vallabha emphasized, that Sri Krishna is the personification of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who prevails everywhere and who resides in everyone's heart as the Supersoul.
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