Sri Gandharva Samprarthanastakam by Srila Rupa Goswami

Prayers to the Queen of Goddesses Srimati Radharani

Sri Radha - Radharani - Radhika

Sri Gandharva Samprarthanastakam
by Srila Rupa Goswami

vrindavane viharator iha kile-kunje
matta-dvipa-pravara-kautuka-vibhramena |
sandarshayasva yuvayor vadanaravinda-
dvandvam vidhehi mayi devi kripam prasida ||1||

1. O Goddess! Be merciful to me and reveal Your lotus face to me when You and Sri Krishna play in the play-groves of Vrindavana, enjoying like intoxicated, blissful Lordly elephants!

ha devi kaku-bhara-gadgadayadya vaca
yace nipatya bhuvi dandavad udbhatartih |
asya prasadam abudhasya janasya kritva
gandharvike nija-gane gananam vidhehi ||2||

2. O Goddess! In great distress I prostrate myself before You, falling on the ground, praying piteously unto You with faltering voice. O Gandharvike! After You bestowed Your mercy on this fool, count him (her) amongst Your own people!

shyame rama-ramana-sundarata-varishtha-
saundarya-mohita-samasta-jagaj-janasya |
shyamasya vama-bhuja-baddha-tanum kadaham
tvam indira-virala-rupa-bharam bhajami ||3||

3. O Syame (Sri Radhe)! When will I worship You as Indira (Laksmi), when Your beautiful body is bound up by Syama's left arm? Krishna's beauty enchants all the people of the world and is even greater than that of Rama-ramana (Lord Visnu, Laksmi's husband).

tvam pracchadena mudira-cchavina pidhaya
manjira-mukta-caranam ca vidhaya devi |
kunje vrajendra-tanayena virajamane
naktam kada pramuditam abhisarayishye ||4||

4. O Goddess! When can I arrange for Your blissful nocturnal meeting with the son of the king of Vraja in the grove by covering Your body with a cloud-blue sari and by removing the ankle-bells from Your feet?

kunje prasuna-kula-kalpita-keli-talpe
samvishtayor madhura-narma-vilasa-bhajoh |
loka-trayabharanayosh caranambujani
samvahayishyati kada yuvayor jano’yam ||5||

5. When will this person serve Your lotus feet, that adorn the three worlds by massaging them, as You are sitting together on a play-bed made of flowers in a grove, while You are making sweet jokes with each other?

tvat-kunda-rodhasi vilasa-parishramena
svedambu-cumbi-vadanambu-ruha-shriyo vam |
vrindavaneshvari kada taru-mula-bhajo
samvijayami camari-caya-camarena ||6||

6. O Queen of Vrindavana! When can I fan You with a yaktail fan with a jewelled rod when You and Sri Krishna are sitting under a tree, Your lotus-like faces beautified by drops of perspiration from fatigue after Your pastimes on the shore of Your pond (Sri Radha Kund)?

linam nikunja-kuhare bhavatim mukunde
citraiva sucitavatim rucirakshi naham |
bhugnam bhruvam na racayeti mrisharusham tvam
agre vrajendra-tanayasya kada nu neshye ||7||

7. O beautiful-eyed One! It was not me who told Mukunda in which corner of the kunja You were hiding! Citra did it! Don't frown Your eyebrows at me in false anger! When can I take You before the son of the king of Vraja?

vag-yuddha-keli-kutuke vraja-raja-sunum
jitvonmadam adhika-darpa-vikasi-jalpam |
phullabhir alibhir analpam udiryamana-
stotram kada nu bhavatim avalokayishye ||8||

8. When You defeat Krishna in a joking argument, You show even greater pride, extending Your proud words to Your blooming friends, who will praise You. When will I see You like this?

yah ko’pi sushthu vrishabhanu-kumarikayah
samprarthanashtakam idam pathati prapannah
sa preyasa saha sametya dhrita-pramoda
tatra prasada-laharim urarikaroti

Anyone who nicely recites these eight prayers to the daughter of king Vrisabhanu will be accepted by Her in a wave of mercy and She will joyfully appear before her with Her lover.

iti shri-gandharva-samprarthanashtakam sampurnam
Thus ends the Gandharva Samprarthanastakam.

Radha Krishna Gopis

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