Letter About the German Farm
- the plight of devotees in Germany -
Kula-pavana dasa - Posted February 13, 2008
have been asked to write an open letter regarding the recent
treatment of two long time servants of Lord Narasimhadeva
in Germany (Simhachalam - formerly: Nava Jiyada Nrsimha
Ksetra) by the local ISKCON authorities. These devotees
feel like they have no other recourse but to appeal to the
conscience of all ISKCON Vaishnavas, and they asked me to
write this open letter on their behalf.
mataji was serving in that temple for 27 years, she was
recently told by the local authorities (GBC for Germany) to
leave Simhacalam and was forbidden to take shelter of
any other temples in Germany. She can not even come for a
darsan of Lord Nrsmhadeva, Whom she has served for so many
years. The reasons for this decision are unclear to Narahari,
as well as to other devotees who are helplessly watching this
situation to unfold. Narahari mataji recently experienced
some personal difficulties related to her failed marriage,
and her behavior has not been entirely blameless. Still, after
27 years of dedicated service, one would expect to see
some compassion and support from the local temple authorities,
not a flat out rejection and removal from the temple. Recently,
Narahari mataji's sister, Nandimukhi mataji (18 years
service for Nrismha-deva), was also thrown out of the temple
and banned from visiting other temples in Germany.
attempts to contact GBC representatives and influential devotees
were made by various concerned devotees, all to no apparent
avail. Not even a basic response to questions raised was received
from ISKCON authorities.
mataji is a 56 years old Indian lady, divorced, in foreign
land, and without any resources. She and her sister gave the
best years of their life to serving Lord Narasimha in ISKCON,
now they are both facing a very uncertain future. The only
person who actually helps them is their brother who lives
in England. Our hope is that this letter will inspire persons
responsible for Narahari and Nandimukhi matajis removal from
Simhacalam to reconsider their decision.
movement has lost so many valuable and dedicated devotees
by the often callous decisions of ISKCON managers. Why should
anyone sacrifice the best years of their life serving in ISKCON
if at any moment they can be thrown out of the temple for
some trivial reason, or on a whim of a local leader? How often
have we seen these things to happen in our temples? Much too
ask devotees reading this letter to please pray to Lord Narasimhadeva
to protect His dedicated servants. Ultimately He is the real
authority and His wrath is terrible. We are all just His servants.
service to Vaishnavas
Kula-pavana dasa
Additional information on devotees mistreated in Germany.
may not be clear from my previous
article that recently Narahari
mataji's sister, Nandimukhi mataji (18 years service for
Nrsmhadeva), was also thrown out of the temple
and banned from visiting other temples in Germany. Their
brother recently wrote:
also very disturbed and very upset the way my sisters
are being treated by the Managers of the farm. If this
is not resolved as soon as possible in a proper manner
and my sisters not allowed to resume their services to
Lord Narasinhma, then I'll be left with no choice but
to let the two most powerful International Gujarati newspapers
- The Gujarat Samachar and the Garvi Gujarat expose the
demons and dictators who bring a very bad name to ISCKON.
This will definitely rock the core foundation of ISCKON
and bring about unrest and disappointment to millions
of Hindus throughout the world. And of course undermine
the good work done by founder member of ISKCON, His Holiness
Sri Sri Srila Prabhupad.
hope and pray to Lord Shree Krishna that he gives the
wisdom and some sense to those who are bent on ruining
the good name of ISCKON. You may include some or all of
my contents of this e-mail in your letter. I'm monitoring
this very carefully and will take the necessary action,
but will consult you of course before taking any action.
Thank you.
In Krishna's Service
Councillor Rashmikant Joshi
I never thought ISKCON had
corruption this bad within,and it is a real shame that they
exploit their members like this. makes one reluctant to even
want to purchase a book from them knowing it is just funding
this type of hope that these devotees are able to
find some relief elsewhere outside of iskcon. om nama ugra-narasimha
There seems to be a pattern of removing older devotees from
ISKCON, just when they are at about retirement age. We thinks
this is merely a plot to save the big leaders from the expense
of maintaining these devotees, since money is more required
to take care of guys like: Satsvarupa, Umapati, Mukunda, Jayadvaita
etc. This is called demoniac society, when the elders are
mis-treated. thanks pd]
Voice in the Simhacalam Debate
Mar 4, AUSTRIA (SUN) At first I want to say that
I'm a little bit afraid to let you know my opinion but at
the same time I feel obligated to make you aware of this,
at the risk that people will be annoyed with me and not take
me seriously. However, after 16 years of Krsna consciousness
I permit myself to this to say: I am outraged and horrified
about the treatment of Narahari dd and her sister because
I'm not seeing charity, understanding and humanity. I ask
myself: where the Krsna consciousness has gone?
are these kind of people, especially Devotees, which simply
offend an older mataji who was loyal for 27 years and has
done good service? May one not become old in ISKCON, be weak
or be ill? If I look at this situation, I do not think that
the people will show readiness for donating their time and
energy in the future, and will they still dare to come to
the farm?
does not concern me personally, but this situation releases
in us Viennese devotees a feeling of terror and lack of understanding.
If one does not need an older mataji any more, she is simply
disposed of like garbage. On top of that, the egoists with
elbow technology win there always. The fact that Lord Krsna
puts up with it I cannot understand, because He doesn't want
to see His devotees suffering.
still surprises me is the fact that certain authorities have
placed the ISKCON temples in debt but are not called to account.
Why do they still freely walk around, and now the innocent
must pay the debts they created???? I cannot imagine that
this is all Karma and Lord Sri Krsna deals with it. In this
case it's easier to say that this is the will of Krsna than
to admit: "I am greedy, silly and calculating, and everything
belongs to me. I have got this, and now I can do with it what
I want. And whether I run up debts or not, this is just Krsna's
will and arrangement". This is a frivolous acceptance
which uses the Devotees constantly: it's Krsna's will.
I use the opportunity to write about the guilt of ISKCON.
I have not yet seen that somebody in ISKCON gets upset about
this situation and starts looking for the real culprits. However,
instead, an older mataji is persecuted. How should one understand
this? In the end I would like to suggest to some authorities
who have no HEART EDUCATION the good examples in temples of
Copenhagen, Barcelona and Wroclaw. There serve the authorities
who help other devotees with love, humility and devotion,
and because of this one can feel energy, joy and spirituality.
Hare Krsna Y.S. Nityarupa dd
in Germany & Narahari Mataji
As many of you might be knowing, at Simhachalam in
Germany recently two Indian Matajis, Narahari Mataji and
Nandimukhi Mataji, who served their Lordships Shri Shri Prahlad
Narsimha more than approx. 27 years and 18 years had to leave
the temple on the order of German GBC Dinasharan Mataji
and the temple presidents Vedantakrit das and
his wife Arjunya Gopi dd.
there are many points to be considered before we blame anyone
who is right or wrong. Regarding this I had a phone conversation
with Dinasharan Mataji. Following points are also to be noticed:
First of all, ISKCON is a German incorporated Society and
according to the articles of incorporation the board of
management has to be elected every year. So for the term
2007 there were no elections held - the board of management
was just done internally with GBC. In this case it is obvious
that the present temple authorities are not accordingly
elected as per rules of a society.
The members were not invited for yearly meeting in 2007
to discuss about profit and loss statement and future plans.
If no members were present in the meetings how can one say
whether someone is ready to do service in the board of directors.
As it may be said that one should be qualified to take the
position in board of directors - but which qualification
is required? The qualification to deal with devotees, to
increase their attachment to the Lord so that the service
which they will carry out will be done with tinge of love.
According to Dinasharan Mataji, the present Temple President
Vedantakrt das and his wife Arjunya Gopi dd. are not qualified
and would rather like to have qualified devotees.
Regarding Narahari Mataji
following is to be considered:
Physical Violence: Regarding this, Narahari Mataji has
never been physically violent to other devotees. The violence
between husband and wife is a private matter which should
not have been discussed in open here. If Narahari Mataji
would have been violent, how could have she lived with devotees
all these years and that also sometimes with more than 80
devotees. Please note that the present TP authorities Vedantakrt
das and his wife Arjunya Gopi dd had been formerly TP authorities
of ISKCON Munich. During that period the TP authorities
had physical violence with one another Devotee Mataji. Please
also note that they also gave up their positions as TP authorities
in between the term period. They didn't even wait till the
yearly elections would be held.
Working together with TP authorities: Narahari Mataji
has already worked with TP authorities since more than 27
years since she is living in the temple for 27 years. There
were many different TP authorities and they didn't have
any complaints about her.
Visiting Temple Program: Narahari Mataji was in charge
of the kitchen and was serving their lordships Prahlad Narsimha
by cooking nice delicious preparations which were being
offered since the beginning of the temple. So in the morning
she was busy in the kitchen preparing for the offering -
so how can she visit the temple programme?
Visibly chant 16 rounds: Narahari Mataji chants 16 rounds
(she has confirmed me that she chants regularly 16 rounds).
So if is one is doing such a responsible service should
she have than roamed around the temple having chanting beads
in her hand. Everyone of us know that best effect of chanting
is achieved if you sit and chant and the best is 16 rounds
together. Roaming and chanting together maybe good for extra
rounds or when the devotee likes to move little bit - like
after prasadam but chanting while moving around is not recommended.
6 hours service: One has to look back and see when there
were more than 80 devotees living in the temple how much
time Narahari Mataji spent in the kitchen doing service.
So now due to age if she has to do only 4 hrs - that is
really nice. If every devotee does 6 hrs service then it
must be very troublesome for TP Vedantakrt das to do 6 hrs
service, because he is also having a Karmi Job. How does
he manage to do 6 hrs service?
Narhari Mataji is and
was always inspired to do service to Shri Prahlad Narsimha
without politics and it is because of her attachment towards
Prahlad Narsimha that she stayed there for 27 years. If she
was to blame alone why were the TP authorities also not blamed
- the experience of their being TP at ISKCON Munich and being
violent or provocative are examples to be considered. Another
question is how can one in a society of devotees just say
a 56 year old mataji has to leave and search for her own while
quite knowing that the husband has left her. This is not Vedic
culture - do we just call other women mataji as formality?
Shrila Prabhupad wanted that we look upon other women as mataji
(mother) - so ISKCON abiding by Shrila Prabhupada's instructions
and Shrila Prabhupada according to the Vedas, how can such
decision be taken? Were the TP authorities not in knowledge
about the Vedic culture and if TP authorities were ignorant,
why did GBC allow this. Isn't it a shame if we blame others
or karmis about their dealing with others? But luckily Narahari
Mataji's brother following Vedic culture has helped her. So
Mataji has dedicated her whole life for their Lordships. Please
think over this - she is not expecting anything, neither has
she claimed anything from ISKCON - the only thing that she
wants is to have darshan of Shri Prahlad Narsimha whenever
she wants.
Upon further request from me,
Dinasharan Mataji consulted with the TP authorities
and said that she can have darshan only once a month for one
hour when I visit the temple. I myself visit the temple often
sometimes once, twice or even four times in a month and I
don't stay there just for one hour, because whenever I visit
I spend the whole day and more than one hour for singing Bhajans
for Shri Shri Prahlad Narsimha.
Regarding freely visiting the
temple will be decided later in the meeting. Where
is it written in the shastras that we forbid such devotee
from having darshan, and why are TP authorities
who don't deal with other devotees in a friendly way or criticise
devotees who belong to some country, and these countries are
known for their preconceptions.
Nandimukhi Mataji was
running a shop in the temple. She was earning from this shop
and maintaining her daughter, and she was also paying rent
for the shop and simultaneously also doing service in the
temple. So now the TP authorities without consulting society
members have told her to give up the shop - which she has
done being forced by them. What will happen with the shop
- who is going to manage - all these points are not being
discussed with members? TP authorities should understand that
they are acting on behalf of Shrila Prabhupada. As desired
by Shrila Prabhupada, TP authorities should be trained by
GBC how to deal with devotees - not everyone can deal with
different devotees nicely.
Bhakta Daniel: Bhakta
Daniel had personally told Akhila Prabhu that he has
to go from the temple for short period as TP authorities were
not approachable at that time. He also tried to contact the
TP authority but Arjunya Gopi dd was not interested to get
back the 150,00, rather she prohibited him from coming to
the temple. He is and was ready to pay.
I had also heard that such
arguments like closing the temple of Narsimhadev were brought
forward - but my question to all devotes and to GBC is whether
you can think of closing the ISKCON Mayapur temple where Lord
Prahlad Narsimha also reside? How can such offensive arguments
be brought forward, not the least to be thought? Shastras
don't suggest such things when there are unqualified TP authorities
or devotees that you close the temple. It is our prime duty
to solve out the problem together and any devotee or TP authorities
ignoring this service towards the Lord acting cooperatively
- it is a big offense.
Vamsivata Das: Recently
Vamsivata das who was pujari at Simhachalam faced trouble
from TP authorities and they even called police. So the police
went back telling that when the pujari wasn't violent and
therefore there was no reason to take him with them. Few days
later he was kicked out of the temple. We never had Police
at Simhachalam - but now due to lack of dealing from TP authorities
with other devotees now we will get a bad image.
My humble request to all devotees,
please kindly come forward to please Shri Shri Prahlad Narsimha
by visiting and if desired give a little service. Maybe one
of you might have the right qualification for TP as desired
by GBC Dinasharan Mataji, or the present TP authorities by
having association of more devotees will change in their dealings.
Dinasharan Mataji has
personally requested me to see that devotees dont get
frustrated after this incident, but some points have to be
cleared also from other side - so that devotees think properly
after reading all true facts and decide how to come forward
to help the temple. Otherwise just criticising will go on
and there will be always one Narahari Mataji who
will be pushed up in one corner with all blame leaving aside
the faults of other devotees - in this case not yet legally
elected TP authorities. If we devotees really want to improve
and please Shrila Prabhupada then we have to judge through
shastras, and therefore we have to come forward to help other
devotees ( long termed devotees ) who are facing troubles
from other devotees (not yet completely qualified TP authorities).
von Anonymus:
dd. Mataji, die neue GBC Chefin und Präsidentin, das
höchste Oberhaupt für ganz Deutschland, schaut ziemlich
hochnäsig von ihrer neu erworbenen Position.
dient sie jahrelang dem Kirtanananda,
einem Devoteemörder und pedophielen Kinderschänder,
und ist auch noch stolz darauf, und dann wird sie (nach ihrer
Flucht aus USA) die GBC Chefin von ganz Deutschland. -unglaublich
- aber leider wahr.
fragt man sich ob die Devotees nur noch Kuhdung im Gehirn
haben. Nach ihrer Vergangenheit zu urteilen, ist Dinasharana
absolut nicht qualifiziert für diese Position. Aber man
muss wohl nur genug den GBC's in den Arsch kriechen, um zu
solch einer Position zu gelangen.
nur, das Dinasarana dd die perverse Philosophie ihrer GBC
Kollegen (und mörder gurus) predigt und nicht die Philosophie
von Srila Prabhupada. Den hat sie wohl als tot abgeschrieben.
Da sie immer nur die GBC's verehrt (und nicht Prabhupada)
deshalb wird sie wohl auch nie einen Prabhupada Tempel eröffnen.
Fragt man sich nur, wessen Schülerin sie ist?