Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami's 

Sri Vraja-vilasa-stava 

Prayers Glorifying the Lord's Pastimes in Vraja 

Radha with Lotus Mala
Krishna with Lotus Mala


The highwaymen lust, greed and anger have captured me and bound me with the ropes of the desire for fame.  I pray that the heroic devotees of Lord Krishna,  the enemy of the Agha demon,  may defeat my captors and cut the ropes that bind me. 


I am scorched by the blazing forest fire of old age, deeply bitten by the poisonous snake of blindness, pierced by the sharp arrows of forced dependence on others, and surrounded by the lions of anger, lust, and greed. O Lord Krishna, please give me the nectarean potion of pure love for You, which will make me strong and heroic enough to resist all the enemies and engage in Your devotional service without deviation. 


By tasting a single drop of the memory of the transcendental nectar ocean of the sweetness of the divine couple my heart has become restless. I bow down before the land and people of Vraja. I yearn to see my two masters.  


The disembodied demigod cupid, who attained a body by continually tasting the nectar of the sight of the divine couple, eternally illuminates this entire land of Vraja, with a jubilant festival of Lord Krishna's transcendental amorous pastimes.  When shall I lovingly gaze on Sri Sri Gandharva-Giridhari (Sri Sri Radha-Krishna), the crowning garlands of all charming couples. 


The city of Dvaraka, where the brother and sons of the Lord reside, and where the lord enjoys transcendental pastimes with a great multitude of queens, each eclipsing many hundreds of goddesses of fortune, is dearer even than Vaikuntha.  Because it is the place of Lord Krishna's birth, Mathura, the abode of transcendental love, is even more dear than Dvaraka.  Within  the district of Mathura , the land of Sri Vraja is splendidly manifest.  I eternally worship the land of Mathura. 


Even today affectionate Lord Krishna enjoys the very sweet nectar of transcendental pastimes there, herding the cows with His brother and His many dear friends. A wonderful sweetness becomes manifest in the heart of they who understand the nectar of this place. Of Vraja, which is more dear even than the city of Mathura, I take shelter. 


Surrounded by their witty gopi friends, the youthful divine couple enjoys many kinds of transcendental pastimes within the groves and mountain caves and among the blossoming vines of Vrindavana forest. I worship Vrindavana forest, which is delightful with the scent of their lotus feet. 


In Vrindavana is the town of Nandisvara, where the goddess of fortune always walks, where the great mystic perfections are eternally present, where the cows are protected, where the people of Vraja live, and where Lord Krishna happily enjoys transcendental pastimes of under the loving protection of His parents. I worship this town of Nandisvara, the home of the king of Vraja and the most important of the land of Vraja. 


To celebrate his son's birth, the King of Gokula respectively gave in charity to the brahmanas palatable foods, nectar beverages, and transcendental cows decorated with many jewels. Day after day he satisfied the brahmanas with these valuable presentations, and he repeatedly begged for their blessings on his infant boy. I worship the king of Gokula, who is always absorbed in thoughts of his son. 


May the queen of Vraja, whose breasts continually trickle milk out of maternal love for her son, who is prepared to give her life many millions of times to protect him from even a single drop of perspiration, and who is so attached to Him that if she cannot for a moment see Him she cries like a cow frightened for her new born calf, protect us. 


Because of her own son Balarama's intimate friendship with Him, Rohini-devi showers her love upon Lord Krishna. She is an expert cook and she delights the king and queen of Vraja with her sincere friendship and saintly qualities. 


The splendour of Lord Balarama's transcendental form eclipses many millions of glistening rising moons, and the slightest scent of His boundless strength is sufficient to destroy many armies of demons. Although He knows the supernatural power of his younger brother, Krishna, still,  out of love for Him, He never leaves Him alone in the forest for even a moment. I offer my prayers to Lord Balarama, the enemy of Dhenukasura. 


Speaking with a voice that seems to mock the roaring of hundreds of thousands of thunderclouds, Parjanya Maharaja expresses his pride in having such a wonderful grandson. I offer my respectful obeisances to Parjanya, Krishna's grandfather, who is expert at delighting his grandson by speaking into His ear many joking words. 


I offer my respectful obeisances to Variyasi-devi, Krishna's grandmother. With merry joking words she worships Krishna, calling Him the moon of grandsons. Happy and proud of her grandson her feet no longer touch the ground when she walks. 


His face handsome with a great white beard, and his complexion dark, pious Upananda is the respected prime minister in the council chambers of the King of Vraja. Considering Him millions of times more dear than his own life, Upananda delights his nephew Krishna. I pray that Upananda may always stay in the government council and protect the land of Vraja. 


Nanda Maharaj's younger brother Sannanda is very gentle, affectionate and generous. His complexion is fair and his beard black. He is very devoted to his elder brother and he is the father of Sunanda-gopi. He pleases Krishna by giving Him palatable dishes made with buffalo yoghurt. He worships Krishna with every breath. May Lord Krishna's uncle Sannanda, the master of a great herd of buffalo, always protect us. 


Upananda's son Subhadra is dark complexioned, youthful, handsome, and intelligent. He is the best of astrologers. With his vast scholarship he has defeated even Brhaspati. He stays at the left hand of the king of  Vraja. With good advice he protects Lord Krishna, who is millions of times more dear to him than his own life. With great pleasure let us glorify, offer our respectful obeisances to Subhadra. 


Frightened that delicate Krishna may be hurt by the demons, Ambika performed severe austerities for many days to please the goddess Durga, who granted her a boon that her son Vijaya would become a powerful hero able to kill many demons. May Ambika, Lord Krishna's nurse, protect us. 


Saying 'Where are the demons? With ease I shall shorten their lives,' Vijaya calls so loudly his words are heard in millions of spiritual universes. Out of maternal affection for Krishna, Ambika instructed her son Vijaya to always stay near child Krishna and protect Him from the demons. I worship Vijaya, the son of Krishna's nurse. 


Bhaguri Muni, the learned chief priest of Vraja-pura, is the personification of all the Vedas. Everyday He chants mantras for the protection of each of Krishna's limbs. Everyday he smells Krishna's head. Everyday he offers Krishna many benedictions. I bow down and offer my respectful obeisances to Bhaguri Muni, the best of the sages. 


Sridama is the most expert and clever of the cowherd boys, and he is the abode of intense love for Lord Krishna. His complexion is dark, and he is proud that his qualities, age, clothing and handsome features closely resemble that of Lord Krishna. If for a single moment he cannot see Lord Krishna, he trembles with anxiety. I completely take shelter of Sridama, the constant companion of Lord Krishna. 


Filled with deep love for him, and anxious that they may be separated, Subala never, even in dream, lets go of the hand of Sri Krishna, the moon of Gokula. Subala's heart is sprinkled with the waters of the swiftly moving mountain stream of devotion to Srimati Radhika. I offer my respectful obeisances to Subala whose body trembles with love for Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. 


Assembling the surabhi cows in one place, hand in hand, Krishna's friends play and joke. For them the ocean of pure love has washed away the mud of awe and reverence in Krishna's presence. Let us take shelter of these boys, whose hearts, lives, and property are all placed at Lord Krishna's feet. 


The personified mellows of comedy, pure-hearted, eternally hungry, jubilant, and splendid Madhumangala daily induces the laughter of his two friends (Sri Sri Radha-Krishna) with a host of comic speeches and gestures. With great devotion let us at once bow down to offer our respect to Madhumangala, the joking friend of Lord Krishna, the moon of Vrindavana. 


Accompanied by an expert gopi friend, Paurnamasi daily arranges the secret rendezvous of expert Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. I worship noble and auspicious Paurnamasi, who at every moment tastes the nectar happiness of seeing the pastimes of the divine couple. 


Noble, generous, learned, intelligent, fair complexion, fifty-year-old King Vrsabhanu wears a neatly clipped beard. He is the close friend of Nanda, the king of Vraja. To him, Sri Radha is even dearer than his eldest child Sridama. I constantly worship famous King Vrsabhanu. 


Her mind overwhelmed with a flood of love, Kirtida-devi daily sends her two unmarried daughters to diligently gather all news of Srimati Radharani's recent activities. May Kirtida-devi, the mother of Srimati Radharani protect us all. 


Angrily placing many obstacles to stop Their amorous pastimes, Mukhara-devi only increases the transcendental happiness of her two young grandchildren, Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. I respectfully bow down before elderly Mukhara-devi, and I place her lotus feet upon my head. 

    TEXT 29

Flooded with the nectar of intense love for her two friends (Sri Sri Radha-Krishna), who more dear to her than her own life, affectionately arrogant in their presence, and daily arranging their rendezvous, Lalita-devi expertly teaches her friend Radha the art of jealous anger. I pray Lalita-devi will one day accept me as one of her associates. 


Visakha-devi is the place where youthful divine couple enjoys affectionate and playful joking pastimes. Her sweet transcendental singing eclipses the voices of the cuckoos. I pray that Vishaka-devi may become pleased with me and accept me as her student. 


Filled with a great flood of love and decorating the ever-blossoming groves of Vrindavana with many fragrant flowers, Vrinda-devi creates a festive atmosphere for Sri Sri Radha-Krishna to enjoy transcendental pastimes with Their dear friends. Let me surrender to Vrinda-devi. 


Bringing Srimati Radharani to cook by the order of the queen of Vraja, and, as they both walked together on the path pleasing her by affectionately and continually narrating the latest news of Lord Krishna charming Kundalata-devi, glowing with friendship and auspicious playfulness became filled with happiness. I worship Kundalata-devi. 


Brought by the queen of Vraja to cook many palatable dishes of her own accord affectionate Dhanistha-devi, using many clever tricks, happily arranged for Srimati Radharani to meet her lover, Krishna, in the forest groves of Nandisvara Hill. I worship Dhanistha-devi, for whom her friend Radha is more dear than life. 


Her heart enchanted by repeatedly hearing the glories of the divine couple and longing   to meet Them, Nandimukhi-devi left Avantipura and went to the land of Vraja, where she eternally increases the happiness of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna's splendid and nectarean pastimes. I eternally offer my respectful obeisances to Nandimukhi-devi. 


Her waters filled with musk and saffron fallen from Sri Sri Radha-Krishna as they enjoy many nectar water-pastimes, the Jamuna river happily smiles at Them with her foam and splashes Them with the beautiful hands of her waves. I pray the Jamuna river may bring transcendental happiness to us. 


Moved by the appeal of supremely blissful Lord Krishna, the gopis spontaneously and angrily rebuke Srimati Radharani, who is more dear to them than their own life's breath and encourage her to again enjoy the pastimes with Krishna. Bowing my head I take shelter of these dear friends of Srimati Radharani, who daily arranged for her to enjoy transcendental pastimes with Lord Krishna. 


With great love, enthusiasm, and respect, Krishna's servants, who are much like his friends, serve Him in many ways and please Him by bringing the flute, vina, water, betel nuts, and other articles. I worship Krishna's servants who have Patri as their leader. 


By offering her betel nuts, by massaging her feet, by bringing her water, by arranging for her meetings with Lord Krishna, and by performing many other services, many gopi maidservants affectionately please Sri Radha, the great queen of Vrindavana forest. When the Divine Couple enjoy Their pastimes, these maidservants are not at all shy, even in the presence of the great gopis for whom Sri Radha is more dear than life. I take shelter of these gopi maidservants, who have Srimati Rupa-manjari as their leader. 


Considering the expanded ocean of their own happiness to be as insignificant as a blade of grass and filled with pure love for Lord Krishna, the enemy of the Mura demon, the Lord's personal associates strive to make him always happy. I worship these fortunate associates of Lord Krishna, the husband of the goddess of fortune. 


Let me worship the personal associates of Srimati Radharani. When Radharani becomes happy, they are pleased. If for a moment they cannot see Radharani, they become so distraught that they appear almost dead. They must have performed some pious activities in their previous births in order to obtain this auspicious condition where they love Srimati Radharani more than their own lives. 


In order to increase the splendid and nectarean jealous love of Srimati Radharani, who sometimes becomes proud of her own good fortune, Lord Krishna briefly enjoys pastimes with other gopis, who blossom with many amorous desires. Let us offer our respectful obeisances to these gopis, who must have performed many great pious activities in order to play this role in the Lord's pastimes. 


Affectionately protected by Krishna, and their hearts rapt in meditation on the particles of dust falling from the tip of his handsome lotus toenails, the gopas experience a happiness greater than the happiness of many millions of universes. I worship these exalted gopas


Considering Him dearer than their own lives out of parental love, the elderly gopis worship even a drop of perspiration of Krishna's lotus feet, and for a long time they kiss his head, decorated with handsome locks of hair. I worship the dust of these gopis' feet.  


The hooves of Sri Krishna's surabhi cows are decorate with sapphires, their horns are studded with gold, and their white cheeks have crippled the pride of the snow-capped mountain peaks. I pray these surabhi cows may protect us. 


In the company of  Balarama and His other friends, and His own body splendidly covered with the dust raised by their hooves, the prince of Vraja daily enjoys a great festival of protecting and milking the cows. With great happiness He eagerly enjoys pastimes with them in the great forests and on the grand hills and river banks of Vraja. Let me worship these surabhi cows. 


All glories to Lord Krishna's pet bull Padmagandha, whose handsome horns are covered with gold and studded with jewels, whose hooves are splendidly decorated with sapphires, and whose splendid neck is decorated with a swinging garland of reddish flowers.  


Sometimes Lord Krishna feeds the calves earnestly placing small bunches of tender fresh grass in their mouths, and sometimes He very carefully massages their limbs. I yearn to one day see these calves of Lord Krishna jumping and frolicking in Vrindavana. 


The fortunate flute deeply drinks the nectar of Lord Krishna's lips day and night. I offer my respectful obeisances to this flute, which, with it's transcendental music, weakens the pride of Srimati Radhika.  


Neither the flattering cajoling words spoken by Krishna's gopi messengers nor the many hints, allegorises, and joking instructions spoken by Krishna's cowherd friends nor Krishna's personally falling at her feet and begging Hr to forgive Him nor even the harsh criticisms spoken by her intimate friends who are able to rout the proud jealous anger residing in Srimati Radha's heart. Only Lord Krishna's flute, disdaining all previous useless attempts, was able to very easily chase away that jealous anger. Let us glorify Lord Krishna's exalted and powerful friend, His flute. 


Pleased by the music of Lord Krishna's flute, the best of the peacocks perform a great festival of dancing in the forest by the shore of  a lake. Gracefully moving he delights enjoying transcendental pastimes in the forest. Meditating on this, we ardently yearn to see that dancing king of the peacocks. 


Full of love for the residents of Vraja, and eager to protect Him, Lord Krishna respectfully lifted Govardhana Hill for seven days with His graceful hand. The caves of Govardhana Hill are splendidly decorated with kunkuma particles left when Sri Sri Radha-Krishna enjoyed transcendental pastimes. May Govardhana Hill, which is studded with many beautiful jewels, protect you all.

  TEXT 52

Filled with many champaka trees, beautiful young asoka trees, mango trees, kesanagara trees, bakula trees, lavanga creepers, and madhavi creepers, the area around Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda is very beautiful and pleasing to the heart, and it is the favourite pastime place of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. Let me take shelter of these two lakes : Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda. 


The delightful forest of Vrindavana, beautiful Govardhana Hill and the nectarean area of the rasa dance, what to speak of other places are not equal to even a single particle of Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda. Let me take shelter of these two lakes, which are more dear to Lord Krishna than His own life's breath. 


By the shore of Radha-kunda is a grand pavilion made of gold, pearls and precious gems. In that pavilion, Sri Sri Radha and Krishna, considering everything else unimportant, enjoy transcendental pastimes as the two prime ministers of the deity of transcendental love, and They happily anoint that kingdom of love with the sandal paste of Their pastimes. I eternally worship the splendid grove by the shore of Radha-kunda. 


The divine couple is splendidly reflected on the shore of the lake of each other's heart. They are necklaces lovingly worn by each other. The creator Brahma has blessed Them with all good fortune. They are the resting place of all good opulences in the three worlds. When will I be able to directly worship the fair and dark divine couple. 


With restless sidelong glances, with movements of Their shoulders, with the nectar of gentle smiles, with kissing each other's nectar lips, and with firm embraces, the youthful divine couple affectionately fulfils each other's transcendental desires. Let us offer our respectful obeisances to Them, the two splendid monarchs of  ujjvala-rasa


In  Their eyes is great length, in the corners of Their eyes crookedness, in Their chest and breasts largeness, in Their gentle word charming crookedness, in  Their hips broadness, and in all Their limbs extraordinary sweetness. I eternally worship the eternal splendour of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. 


When the demon Arista was slain, a great lake named Arista-kunda, filled with nectar and surrounded with staircases, sprang from Lord Krishna's lotus foot. Because it is the favourite of Sri Radha, this name embraces the name Radha-kunda. I eternally worship Radha-kunda. 


On the pretext of going to fetch clear water the lotus-eyed gopis again and again meet Lord Krishna with great happiness and love at Pavana-sarovara lake, which is filled with many kadamba trees and the pleasant humming sounds of many bees. May Pavana-sarovara lake protect us. 


Going to the shore of a certain lake, Parjanya Maharaja, who was to become Krishna's grandfather, fasted, performed austerities, and worshipped Lord Narayana in order to attain a worthy grandson. Partly for this reason Sri Krishna, who is the reservoir of all transcendental virtues and the lifter of Govardhana Hill, appeared as the son of Nanda, the king of Vraja, and the grandson of Parjanya Maharaja. The place where Parjanya Maharaja fasted is famous in this world as Ksunnahara-sarovara (the lake of fasting). I pray that I may take shelter of this sacred place. 


Ordered by Brahma, who spoke from the sky, Paurnamasi-devi crowned Srimati Radharani queen of the beautiful forest of Vrindavana, by jubilantly sprinkling the waters of the Manasa-ganga and other sacred rivers upon Her head in the company of Savitri-devi and other delighted demigoddesses. I pray that sacred place, known as Unmatta-radhasthali (the place where Srimati Radharani became overwhelmed with happiness) may sprinkle some transcendental happiness on me. 


Joking and playing, Lord Krishna enjoyed many pastimes with His friends in a small stone pavilion built by expert architects on Nandisvara Hill. Let me take shelter of that pavilion, which is anointed with the transcendental fragrance of Lord Krishna's feet. 


As he was dancing with the intelligent, graceful, and splendidly beautiful gopis, Sri Krishna suddenly left their company and went with Srimati Radharani to a secluded place and lovingly decorated Her with many flower ornaments. The sweetness of this place astonishes the residents of all the three worlds. I pray that this sacred place, where Lord Krishna performed the rasa dance, may give me shelter. 


The Manasa-ganga River flows so swiftly on the side of Govardhana Hill that it's waves push the splendid rocks lining it's shores. I pray the Manasa-ganga River, where Sri Sri Gandharvika-Muravimardana (Sri Sri Radha-Krishna) enjoy jubilant boating pastimes, may give me shelter. 


All of Them decorated with the colourful mineral pigments found there, Lord Krishna and His affectionate friends enjoy pastimes in the hills of Vraja with a great festival of joking words. In the caves of those same hills, Lord Krishna also enjoys many pastimes with Srimati Radharani. Let me worship these, the best of all hills. 


While tending the cows in the summer season, Sri Krishna, the transcendental son of the king of the gopas , jubilantly enjoys water sports. Both sides eager for victory, He affectionately sprinkles His charming friends in the broad lakes and streams of Vraja. I eternally worship these transcendental lakes and streams. 


Hearing the sound of Srimati Radharani and Krishna brilliantly playing duets on the vina and flute, the leaders of the deer community become stunned with transcendental happiness and stand still the grass they were formerly chewing now half-falling from their mouths. I pray that those deer who are full of love for the divine couple, may grant transcendental happiness to me. 


Their hearts pleased by the rising waves of madhura-rasa, the youthful divine couple enjoys transcendental pastimes in the beautiful groves of Vraja, aromatic with many pleasant flowers and filled with many humming bees. Let us sweep these forest groves with our long hair. 


In the very cool and pleasant shade of the trees, on a throne glistening with fallen pollen and served by splendid bees carrying drops of honey, the youthful divine couple enjoy transcendental pastimes. I pray these trees may always protect me. 


As They pick flowers, the gently smiling lovers, Sri Sri Gandharva-Muravairi (Sri Sri Radha-Krishna), playfully quarrel. Seeing these eternally new and fresh transcendental pastimes, Their gopi friends begin to smile, and the creepers of Vraja, on the pretext of pushing forth new blossoms, also smile and laugh. May I serve these transcendental creepers with great love and devotion. 


Plunged into the nectar mellows of pure devotion, with very sweet singing the birds delight the nearby youthful couple in the land of Vraja. I pray that these birds, so dear to the divine couple, may delight me with their glance. 


By softly buzzing and gracefully wandering among the mango, kadamba, bakula, and other trees, as well as through the madhavis and other flowering vines, the bumblebees of Vraja delight the divine couple. Let us offer our respectful obeisances to these bees. 


Blossoming with happiness, the forest king Krishna became completely captivated by the sidelong glances of the forest-queen Srimati Radharani, who was also blossoming with happiness as He decorated Her with many blossoming flowers from the king of kadamba trees. I pray that supremely opulent king of kadamba trees may appear before me and grant transcendental happiness to my eyes. 


Humbled by great fear, Indra, the king of the demigods, grasped Lord Krishna's lotus feet and, accompanied by a surabhi cow, performed the coronation festival of bathing them with the water of the celestial Ganges. In this way Lord Krishna's kingship over the cows became splendidly manifest. I pray that Govinda-kunda, the lake created by that ceremonial bath, may eternally appear before my eyes. 


When Vraja's king offered a great quantity of foodstuff to Govardhana Hill, Krishna, the enemy of Aghasura, assumed a gigantic form, proclaimed that He was actually Govardhana Hill, invited everyone to ask boons from Him, and, fooling even Srimati Radharani, ate all the offered food. Let me take shelter of the anna-kuta festival, when Lord Krishna enjoyed these pastimes. 


Charming and handsome Lord Krishna enjoys transcendental pastimes on the summit of Govardhana Hill, the king of mountains. There He splendidly manifest, eternally enjoying the pleasures of a transcendental king. With great love and devotion I worship Govardhana Hill, where Lord Krishna enjoys transcendental pastimes. 


One day Lord Krishna, the youthful king of amorous heroes, became eager at heart to enjoy the dana-keli pastime. Blocking the path, He forbade Srimati Radharani to pass, proclaimed Himself a toll collector appointed by the king of love, and demanded that she pay a toll of the milk products She was carrying. I sing the glories of Sri Krishna-vedi, the place where the Lord enjoyed these pastimes. 


Because Sri Krishna enjoyed the dana-keli pastime in a secluded place by the shore of this lake, it has become known as  Dana-sarovara. The truth of this hill remains hidden to persons averse to the mellows of pure devotional service. Only the devotees have the power to  understand it. I pray that I may reside at Dana-sarovara, the place where Lord Krishna enjoyed the dana-keli pastime. 


Sri-sarovara, Brahma-sarovara, Kadambakhanda-sarovara, Sumanah-sarovara, Rudra-sarovara, Apsarah-sarovara, Gaurika-sarovara, Jyotsnamoksana-sarovara, Malyahara-sarovara, Vibudhari-sarovara, Indradhvaja-sarovara, and many other beautiful lakes are splendidly manifested as so many beautiful jewels in a circle around divine Govardhana Hill. Let me glorify these transcendental lakes. 


During the spring season the gopis move Sri Sri Gandharva-Giridhari (Sri Sri Radha-Krishna) on a swing. The faces of the divine couple blossom with happiness by tasting the nectar of these swing pastimes. I worship Govinda-sthala, the famous place where the divine couple enjoys these pastimes. 


When the Kaliya serpent offended His friends for whom he is more dear than life, Lord Krishna punished him, dancing on him  and kicking him with the soles of His feet. I worship Kaliya-hrada, the lake where Lord Krishna performed these pastimes. 


Once, accompanied by the gopas, gopis, and lowing surabhi cows, the supremely opulent, noble, and magnanimous Lord Krishna felt very uncomfortable in the winter cold. Twelve suns then appeared at that place, and with great devotion warmed the Lord with their intense shining. I eternally take shelter of this sacred place, which bears the name Dvadasasurya-tirtha (the place of the twelve suns). 


When the twelve sums shone from every direction, perspiration fell from Lord Krishna's transcendental body, and from this perspiration came a charming, splendid, clear lake bearing the sweet fragrance of the Lord's delicate, supremely handsome, and supremely opulent transcendental limbs. Bowing down, I worship this lake, known as Praskandahana-sarovara. 


Entering the clear waters of the Yamuna to prepare for the incomparable worship of goddess Katyayani, the girls of Vraja left their garments on the shore. Smiling and clever Krishna stole those garments, climbed a kadamba tree, embarrassed the girls by speaking many splendid joking words, and eventually returned the garments.  I take shelter of Ciraghatta, where the Lord enjoyed these pastimes. 


With his mad neighing, Kesi made the three worlds tremble, and with the wild rolling of his eyes he set the entire universe on flames. Krishna killed this demon as easily as one splits a blade of grass and then washed the blood from His hands at a place now known as Kesi-tirtha. I worship that sacred place. 


The beautiful, wealthy and learned wives of the yajnika-brahmanas voluntarily, happily and devoted fed Krishna, Balarama, and all their affectionate friends many varieties of the four kinds of foodstuff, each dish rebuking the taste of nectar. We bow down to offer our respects to the place where Lord Krishna enjoyed this pastime. 


Desiring to quickly attain the treasure of the embraces of Lord Krishna, the splendid and affectionate gopis devotedly and happily worshipped Lord Siva on the bank of the Jamuna. I daily worship Gopisvara-tirtha, where the gopis performed their worship. 


Seeing Her father worship Suryadeva out of far of the nearby Kamsa, Srimati Radharani, in the secluded place known as Santanupada, also earnestly worshipped Suryadeva to attain a certain youth, whose complexion is as dark as a host of monsoon clouds, as Her chosen husband. I pray that Suryadeva may protect us. 


During the great festival of Lord Krishna's birth, the king of Vraja respectfully gave to the brahmanas a mountain of glittering jewel ornaments, an even greater mountain of grains, and 200,000 young cows, all beautifully decorated with gold and necklaces of large pearls. I offer my respectful obeisances to Mahavana, the place where the king gave his charity. 


In the city of Mukhyeravali the precious jewel known as Srimati Radharani took birth in the mine of Kirtida-devi's womb, which is glorified by jubilant demigods, sages and human beings. I pray that when I enter King Vrshabhanu's capitol city of Mukhyeravali-pura, populated with many gopas, gopis, and surabhi cows, I may become drowned in great flood of transcendental bliss and love. 


Although for Her own happiness She yearns to place Lord Krishna's handsome and delicate lotus feet on her breasts, Srimati Radharani is reluctant to do so, fearing that, even though Her body is very delicate, her breasts are very hard. I pray that Lord Krishna, who also places his lotus feet on the hood of Ananta Sesa, will permit me to reside in His land of Vraja. 


Let me worship the forest of Kamyavana. It is very dear to Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, and it contains the Kama-sarovara lake, where the gopis enjoy many transcendental pastimes. 


In the forest of Bandiravana, my beautiful queen, proud Sri Radha, started a wrestling competition among Her closest friends. When She eagerly wrestled with Lord Krishna, She brought great happiness to the god of love. Let me worship that forest of Bandiravana. 


When the Yamuna river would not come according to His order, angry Lord Balarama began to drag it toward the ocean with the edge of His plough. I devotedly offer my respects to the wonderful Rama-ghatta, where even today all men may see the marks where Balarama began to drag the Yamuna. 


Seeing His friends, for whom He is more dear than life, enter the sinful Aghasura's belly, which burned with a great forest fire of the most violent poison, Lord Krishna also entered the demon, killed it, and rescued His friends. I pray that Sarpasthali, the place where the Lord enjoyed these pastimes, may  protect  me. 


When, eager to see his master's glory, the creator Brahma stole the cowherd boys and calves, Lord Krishna pleased the mothers of the boys and calves by assuming the forms of their sons. I worship Vatsaharasthali, where the Lord enjoyed this pastime. 


Afraid that he had committed a grave offence by stealing the cowherd boys and calves, Brahma fell down on the ground, and, with tears in his eyes, spoke many wonderful and unprecedented prayers glorifying gently smiling Lord Krishna, who is both the giver of liberation and the wonderful cowherd son of the king of Vraja. Let us glorify this sacred place, Sesabhirucaturmukha, where frightened Brahma offered prayers to the Lord. 


Filled with many large lakes, hills, and rivers, with many desire trees and desire creepers, and with many flowers invaded by a great army of bumblebees intoxicated by the sweet aroma, the twelve forests of Vrindavana are splendidly beautiful. I bow down to offer my respects at every moment to these twelve forests, which are very dear to Lord Krishna. 


Leaving behind Lord Krishna's lotus feet, which are millions of times more dear to him than his own life's breath, Uddhava, eternally filled with the nectar of pure devotional love, happily stayed in Vraja for ten months. Moment by moment he brought the residents of Vraja back to life by describing Lord Krishna's pastimes. He said to them, 'Look! Krishna has returned!' I carry Uddhava's feet upon  my head. 

TEXT 100

With great humbleness let me offer my respectful obeisances to the supremely pious dear devotees of the Lord who reside in Vraja. Even though Brahma is a great demigod entrusted with many weighty duties, he sincerely yearns to take birth among the bushes and blades of grass in Vraja. 

TEXT 101

Because of having previously worshipped the beautiful lotus feet of Sri Sri Gandharva-Acyuta (Sri Sri Radha-Krishna) with the eternally fresh sweetness of pure transcendental love, some great souls are able to reside on the shore of Queen Radha's favourite lake (Radha-kunda). These great devotees are my life and soul. 

TEXT 102

The grass, bushes, insects, and other creatures in Vraja are all very dear to Lord Krishna. They assist the Lord in His pastimes. They are full of transcendental bliss. Again and again the scriptures recount the earnest request of Brahma and others to reside in Vraja. For these reasons I bow to offer my respects to all the creatures who reside in Vraja. 

TEXT 103

When, aimlessly wandering around Govardhana Hill, madly calling out 'O Radha! O Krishna!' again and again, and stumbling as I walk, will I sprinkle the places of the Lord's pastimes with tears from my eyes? 

TEXT 104

Neither Brahma, Narada, Siva, or the great devotees with pure love of Krishna are able to properly or completely understand the sweetness of the land of Vraja. Only Lord Balarama and His mother Rohini, who are both filled with transcendental love, are able to understand the land of Vraja. How is it possible to describe the land of Vraja? 

TEXT 105

Even if I have the opportunity to bathe in the nectarean ocean of pure love of Krishna, and even if I have the pure devotees of the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead as my associates, I will not consent to live, even for a single moment, in any sacred place other than Vrajabhumi. Even if the residents of Vraja appear to be ordinary, and even if they fill my ears with useless gossip, I pray that I may remain among them, eternally residing here in Vraja. 

TEXT 106

The two feet of Srimati Rupa-manjari, who is full of love for Lord Krishna, and who expertly worships Srimati Radharani, are the only goal of my life. 

TEXT 107

These verses, which bear the title Vraja-vilasa-stava, are very graceful and beautiful, filled with the splendid and charming sweetness of the residents of Vraja. They who regularly read these verses with great respect and greedy enthusiasm will be able to directly see the divine couple surrounded by Their associates in this land of Vraja. 

Yamuna-Devi with Lotus Mala for Krishna
Krishna with Lotus Flowers